In the Locker Room: Rob Bond

The Review recently sat down with Rob Bond, senior midfielder and three-time captain of the men’s lacrosse team, to talk about the responsibilities of being a captain, restaurants at Oberlin and that god-awful Ohio weather.

James Kriz, Staff Writer

In what ways have you grown from playing four years of Oberlin lacrosse?

I have learned how to discipline myself — to put in the time and work to have success.That lesson has extended to all aspects of my life. It’s all about learning the importance of practice in achieving your goals. At Oberlin, you kind of have to discipline yourself a little bit to be successful, so lacrosse helped me to find this discipline and work ethic.

In what ways has the lacrosse program changed during your time here?

It has changed in many ways. My freshmen year, the general team attitude was certainly not as focused as it needed to be to get the results we wanted. In my time here, the work ethic has increased tenfold. We have created a culture of hard work and accountability on the team that will only grow and improve as time goes on. More recently people have been realizing that in order to have success you need to put in the work. Our new coach has done a great job motivating and providing the tools to succeed.

You’ve been a team captain since your sophomore year. Most student-athletes can’t boast the same achievement. Did the job get much easier as the years went on?

Yeah, definitely. When you’re a sophomore put in a position of leadership, it can be hard to find the confidence to motivate upperclassmen that are older than you. With time, I have grown stronger as a leader. I became better able to communicate my ideas and knowledge gained to underclassmen who might benefit from it.

What was your most memorable Oberlin lacrosse experience?

There have been a lot of memorable moments. I’d say the best game memory was against Carthage College my junior year. Carthage rolled in practically undefeated, beating all the teams in the west. We sent them packing, notching a nice 17–10 win.

What is your favorite place to eat at in Oberlin?

Not super picky when it comes to food, [but it’s] tough to argue against the Feve — the Thai chicken peanut sandwich is solid. Also, a trip to Brewsters can be a little nice, if you don’t mind the standard bar food.

What do you like least about Oberlin?

Every couple of weeks that answer changes, most recently it’s been the weather — it won’t stop raining.

When the final whistle is blown, and your college lacrosse career is completed, what thoughts will be crossing your mind?

It’s tough to say. I think, more than anything, I will be satisfied that I have made it all four years, that I can tell myself that I’ve fulfilled my commitment to stay and help out Oberlin lacrosse. It will also be bittersweet — it’ll be tough to not be there as things keep getting better.