Kendal Supports Community with Taxes

First, I want to extend compliments to the students of Oberlin College who invest their time to provide a weekly newspaper offering important communication for students, faculty and staff, but also the larger community. Kendal at Oberlin is fortunate to have The Oberlin Review delivered each week for residents and staff.

In November, citizens will vote on consolidation of the schools, an important issue that could have lasting impact for generations to come. Yes, it will impact taxes, and citizens must weigh the benefits and personal cost. I applaud all those studying the issue thoroughly before voting. My reason for writing is a quote that was made by a local citizen, stating incorrectly that Kendal at Oberlin is not paying taxes (“Residents to Vote on School Consolidation,” The Oberlin Review, Sept. 28, 2018).

Yes, Kendal is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization and is exempt from paying certain taxes. However, in 2017, Kendal paid a total of $505,382 in real estate taxes. Since we opened in 1993, Kendal has paid over $5.3 million, largely benefiting the schools — 75% goes to schools — but also benefiting the City of Oberlin, public parks, emergency services, etc. We are proud to have entered voluntarily into an agreement to pay these taxes before we even opened our doors. We are 25 years old this month and continue to be proud to support our larger community in this way. It is the right thing to do. d