Saturday, Feb. 25
2:30–4 p.m.: Defend the Land at the Oberlin Public Library
Learn about Land and Water Protection as it pertains to Indigenous Culture. In honor of fallen activist Manuel ‘Tortuguita’ Teran who was killed protecting forests outside of Atlanta.
3–6 p.m.: Charleston Workshops with Adam Lee in Warner Center
Oberlin Swing and Blues brings Adam Lee from Pittsburgh to Oberlin. He will host two workshops on incorporating the Charleston into the Lindy Hop. No experience necessary.
10 p.m.: Warp Duo at the Dionysus Disco
A project from Baltimore focused on electroacoustic improvisation brought to Oberlin by the Modern Music Guild.
8 p.m.–12 a.m.: The Black History Month Ball at the Hotel at Oberlin
Dinner will be served and a bar is available for attendees who are 21+. Tickets required. Doors close at 9 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 26
4–7 p.m.: Study Away Fair in Moffett Auditorium The Office of Study Away will present more than 20 study away options for students to pursue at the A-level of Mudd Center.
Monday, Feb. 27
3 p.m.: Oberlin Heritage Center Strategic Planning Public Forum at the Oberlin Public Library The Oberlin Heritage Center will host an open-ended conversation on how it can serve the Oberlin community.
Tuesday, Feb. 28
2 p.m.: Unitarian Universalist Kendal Monthly Gathering Rev. Mary will lead conversation and check-in on love and intentionality.
Wednesday, March 1
5 p.m.: Guest Lecture: “Racialized Musical (Hi)stories” by Philip Ewell in David H. Stull Recital Hall Professor of Music Theory Philip Ewell will present on histories and stories within music theory in the context of race.
7:30–8:30 p.m.: Beethoven’s Complete Violin Sonatas: Peter Takács, piano in Kulas Recital Hall Peter Takács, pianist, collaborates with faculty violinists, including Sibbi Bernhardsson, OC ’95; Francesca dePasquale; and David Bowlin, OC ’00; live and available via stream.
Thursday, March 2
5:30 p.m.: Oberlin Heritage Center Strategic Planning Public Forum at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Fellowship Center The Oberlin Heritage Center will host an open-ended conversation on how it can serve the Oberlin community