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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Winter Term Rules Prohibiting Compensation Disadvantage Low-Income Students

Jyothi Rao November 17, 2023

Oberlin College’s Winter Term requirements overlook the needs of students who need to work during these weeks to pay for college. It’s no secret that Oberlin, being an elite private college, comes...

Open Letter from Oberlin’s Jewish Students

We are Jewish students writing to intervene in the discourse that has taken hold of both our global and local collective political consciousness over the last month. We are the grandchildren of survivors...

The Chronicle-Telegram faces backlash from local community members.

In the Face of Intimidation, the Work of Local Journalists Persists

Ava Miller, The Bulletin Editor November 17, 2023

I can’t imagine Lorain County, or anywhere for that matter, without a newspaper. This past election cycle would not have been the same without the work of the Chronicle Telegram and The Oberlin Review....

When Oberlin Had a Kosher Pakistani Restaurant

Hassan Bin Fahim, OC ’18 November 17, 2023

As an unsuspecting international student from Pakistan, landing in Oberlin was a culture shock in more ways than one. Little did I know that my culinary journey would take an unexpected turn, leading me...

How do you feel about the length of Thanksgiving Break?

Hanna Alwine and Ella Powell November 17, 2023

The sidewalks are covered in fallen leaves, and it’s getting dark at 5 p.m.  The last few weeks of the semester are just around the bend. As Oberlin students prepare for the final break of the semester, ...

Reviving the Spirit of Unity: The Return of Kosher Halal Co-op

Letter to Editors November 17, 2023

Dear Oberlin Community, We, the alumni of the Kosher Halal Co-op, are thrilled to announce that our beloved co-op is likely to return in Winter Term 2024. This news is not just a victory for us, but...

Oberlin Review Comic 11/17/2023

Oberlin Review Comic 11/17/2023

Molly Chapin, Layout Manager and Illustrator November 17, 2023

Slacktivism: What Instagram Activism Does, Doesn’t Do

Lyric Anderson, Conservatory Editor November 14, 2023

This article was published in the Review Opinions section on Nov. 10, 2023 under the headline: “Slacktivism: What Instagram Activism Does, Doesn’t Do.” It states that “news sources retracted headlines...

Oberlin Is What You Make Of It

Kayla Kim, Managing Editor November 10, 2023

The day that Oberlin Early Decision II results came, I overslept.  While it was my second choice school, I knew in my heart that it was the right choice for me. So my logic was that, by purposefully...

Rampant Misinformation Necessitates Critical Media Consumption

Editorial Board November 10, 2023

The Oberlin Review, as the newspaper of record for both the town and the College, is responsible for keeping its readers up to date on both local and global issues. Our staff spends every week communicating...

Many GSFS classes are taught in King.

Privilege Must Be Acknowledged Within Gender, Sexuality, Feminist Studies Classes

Avery Russell November 10, 2023

One of the reasons I was attracted to Oberlin was its Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies major. I appreciated that I’d be able to explore my interest in gender studies, and valued the interdisciplinary...

Challenging Opinions Important for Productive Discourse

Ella Powell, Opinions Editor November 10, 2023

In today’s culture, openly sharing opinions seems to have become more and more intimidating. This conflict is seen primarily when discussing hot-button issues. When it comes to specific topics, it can...

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