The recent passage of SB5 in the Ohio State Senate marks another blow to the workers’ right to negotiate with large and often impersonal employers. If the bill passes the House, Ohio’s 350,000 public...
“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention” is the most appropriate maxim to apply to what’s been happening in the past weeks across the U.S. in the battle for labor unions against...
“The day of infamy for Wisconsin workers.” This is how one of the Wisconsin’s 14 Democratic Senators described the Republicans’ illegal “passage” of the union-busting bill on Wednesday in a...
To the Editors:
Think the nonviolent revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Bahrain, etc. are spontaneous? Think again! News sources as diverse as the New York Times, the BBC and Radio...
To the Editors:
It has been brought to the attention of Active Minds at Oberlin that some students have been worried about the nature of the posters around campus intended to raise awareness for National...
The syllabus of my first history class at Oberlin College stated that the class would have six discussion sessions that would last the entire class. As an exchange student, I was very surprised and thought...
To the Editors:
Last week, Sgt. Benjamin Anthony said that real peace needs to be more than just a political agreement, a sentiment with which Oberlin Students for Israel wholeheartedly agrees....
The Review’s editorial last week concerning Ohio’s “Heartbeat Bill,” a proposed ban on abortion after a fetus’s heartbeat can be detected, rightly condemns the legislation as dangerous and wrongheaded....
There were good vibes all around last Sunday night in Wilder 215 as we sat down to our first plenary with the new Senators. Senate now consists of eight students who have previously served and seven who...
To the Editors:
Making former Washington, D.C., mayor Adrian Fenty, OC ’92, a “distinguished visiting professor of politics” at Oberlin College to “co-teach an introductory politics course …...
To the Editors:
I understand that President Krislov and other College dignitaries are burdened by fantastically busy schedules and, as a result, cannot be expected to attend the remarks of every guest...
Last Wednesday, noted feminist and progressive activist Gloria Steinem came to speak at Oberlin as a part of our Convocation series. The Editorial Board applauds Steinem and her contributions to promoting...