Oberlin Community News Bulletin

Face Your Fears at the Oberlin Firewalk

Come see what Oberlin has to offer at the 12th annual Gregg Gilder Memorial Firewalk at Common Ground in Oberlin Saturday, Sept. 8th from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. After a demonstration by Dave Tuscany, a certified firewalker, you can test your gumption on the firepit. Participants of all ages are welcome. Children may walk with parental consent and supervision. Registration is $49 per person.

Former Oberlin Exco Teacher Sentenced to Prison

Robert Roche, a former instructor in Oberlin’s Experimental College program, has been sentenced to four months in prison and a fine of $77,097 for laundering more than $77,000 from a Native American Aid foundation. At the time of the theft, Roche was working as a prominent community activist for the group.

OPL Attempts to Bridge Partisan Divide

Join the Oberlin Public Library for their monthly meeting and video conference with social psychologists Leaf Van Boven and David Sherman on Saturday, Sept. 8th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The theme will be “Learning to Bridge the Partisan Divide for Climate Solutions.” The series is sponsored by Citizens’ Climate Lobby.