Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

ODA Needs Reality Check
Emma Ledger May 10, 2024

May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. Unfortunately, the Office for Disability and Access has demonstrated that they do not see Celiac as a serious condition that warrants...

From Kent to Palestine, Honoring Martyrs Means Taking Action
Zane Badawi May 10, 2024

This past Saturday was the 54th anniversary of the Kent State massacre. On May 4, 1970, four Kent State University students — William Knox Schroeder, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra...

Letter to Our Oberlin Community
May 10, 2024

The College and City of Oberlin have always been a place of change and liberation. At the center of the abolitionist movement in the 19th century, Oberlin has always excelled...

Response to OFI Misses Point
Ori Josell, President, Obies for Israel • May 10, 2024

On May 3, Nimala Sivakumar’s article “Student Addresses Obies for Israel Letter” was published in the Review as a response to my letter, “Zionism is De-Colonialism:...

Alumni Responds to Students’ Nonfactual Rebuttal Article
Karen Bekker May 3, 2024

An April 26 article in the Review was titled, “Alum’s Article on Gaza Genocide Contains Numerous Misrepresentations.” Although the article purports to address my own previous writing in the Review,...

We Are Not at War
Gavriel Vavel ben Yosef v’Chava Marshall Engel, Chair of Obies for Israel • May 3, 2024

A letter from an Oberlin student, to his community.  Why must there be another letter about the war in Gaza? How can anything new and productive possibly be said, now that so much energy and ink has...

Housing Pressure on Green Acres Heavily Due to Oberlin College
Aliza Weidenbaum April 26, 2024

To the Editors:  Thank you to both writers who commented last week on a particular space in town, the bit of land just east of IGA and the landscaping company, known as Green Acres (“Keep Green Acres...

Alums Should Fight for Annunciation House in Texas
Steve Volk April 19, 2024

To the Editors:  A legal battle currently unfolding in Texas is connected to Oberlin in various ways which speak to the College’s ongoing engagement with the struggle for human dignity. Migrants...

A Ukranian flag with a Star of David drawn on it flies outside the U.S. Capitol.
Separate Ukraine Aid From Israel
Avery Russell, Columnist • May 10, 2024

  On Tuesday, April 23 the U.S. Senate approved a $95.3 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Despite a Senate that often struggles to pass bills, the bill had large bipartisan...

Professor Talise’s Africana Studies dance class.
Professors Talise, Weedie Were Vital to Oberlin. What Now?
Celeste Wicks, Columnist • May 10, 2024

  I have only taken two Dance classes here at Oberlin. The first was awful. For two years, I wrote off dance at Oberlin. Finally, this semester, I took Dances of the African Diaspora with Professor...

Students Should Consider South Hall Residency Next Semester
Celeste Wicks, Columnist • April 5, 2024

I was on a walk one night last spring when I stopped in my tracks in front of South Hall. I gazed up at that public-library-looking-ass building, and it dawned on me: I would live here one day.  Don’t...

Nicaragua’s Proceedings Against Germany Transforms Human Rights
Avery Russell, Columnist • April 5, 2024

On March 1, Nicaragua instituted proceedings before the International Court of Justice, alleging that Germany violated international law by funding Israel and defunding the United Nations Relief and Works...

Students walk around on campus.
Ivy Leagues’ Mandatory Standardized Testing Policies Classist
Ariel Papas, Columnist • March 15, 2024

  What comes to mind first when hearing “Ivy League school” are the following words: pretentious, expensive, and exclusive. In the United States, very few undergraduates can say that they went...

Scensibles dispensers are found in many restrooms.
Scensibles Bags Not So Sensible
Celeste Wicks, Columnist • February 16, 2024

Most people who menstruate are familiar with the small metal waste receptacles attached to stall walls in most public restrooms in America. Until coming to Oberlin, I took for granted the convenience and...

Beverages available at DeCafé.
Winter Term Dining Lacks Nutritious Options
Avery Russell, Columnist • February 16, 2024

I, like many Oberlin students, spent my Winter Term at the College, training on the women’s track team and learning how to drive. Except for the week when the weather was in the negative degrees and...

Inconvenient Mobile Ordering Impacts AVI, Students
Ariel Papas, Columnist • February 9, 2024

Azariah’s Café, like many other fast dining places on-campus, is officially fully mobile. The cafe transitioned during Winter Term with limited options like 12-ounce cups for drinks and no bakery items....

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