Sports Editors: “Yeobie” for Albino Squirrel Mascot
Photo Courtesy of OC Athletics
After weeks of public discourse and polls, six names have been proposed for Oberlin’s new albino squirrel mascot: Stevie, Albie, Finney, Yeobie, Apollo, and Macademia. While there is virtue in all of the potential names — especially “Macademia” which, if it weren’t for the already-confusing spelling of Macadamia, many could see as a play on the word “academia” and the strand of nut that is typically consumed by squirrels — the Review’s Sports section would like to publicly endorse the name “Yeobie.” We believe that it represents a bridge between the two sides of campus, those that identify with “Yeo” — typically athletes, hence the “Go, yeo” athletics cheer — and those non-athletes who identify as “Obies.” We think that this unique unification could be something that all students can rally behind.