Oberlin Finds Great Candidates in English, Price

 Today I have chosen to write in support of Ray English and Mary Price for Oberlin City Council. Oberlin has been fortunate for many years with a wonderful City Council, and I commend those who are currently serving. Ray and Mary are in the mold of leaders who in the past have unselfishly, and with vision, made important decisions to improve our community.

Ray English is committed to social justice, environmental sustainability, and community development. He exhibits a remarkable balance of attention to detail and practicality as he navigates conflict resolution, mediation, and community dialogue. He is also a recognized leader in the Citizens’ Climate Lobby working diligently on issues of environmental issues at the national level.

Mary Price is a businesswoman whose daily work puts her in direct contact with hundreds of families in Oberlin, showing that she cares about Oberlin and its citizens. I am especially delighted by Mary’s enthusiasm for new housing projects that provide accessible, eco-friendly options for anyone who would like to live in Oberlin.

Ray English and Mary Price are not afraid to back up their beliefs with a commitment of time and effort. We have a wonderful community that is blessed to have the resources to make conscious decisions about growth and sustainability. We all need to make our best efforts to be part of these decisions, and that includes making a mindful decision about who we elect to our city council. Ray English and Mary Price are team players who will set us on a path of optimism and progress.