Writing and journalism have almost always been a part of my life. My mother was a journalist and instilled in me the importance of the written word from an early age. I remember being a kid and loving Superman and Spiderman — not because of their superpowers but because they worked for newspapers.
I am so thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to further my passion for journalism with the Review these past few years. Working here has had its ups and downs, with the late nights and at times strenuous deadlines, but I can honestly say that I have loved every minute of it.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank a few people for making my time at the Review and at Oberlin in general so special.
To my former editor Andrea Nguyen, thank you for believing in me enough to hire me as a staff writer and for convincing me to come back as an editor this semester. My experience at the Review would not have been possible without you.
To my co-editor this semester, Micah Rodriguez, it’s been a blast working with you. I know you’re going to do a great job next semester, and I can’t wait to see what you do with the sports section moving forward.
To the senior staff Nikki, Travis and Delaney, thank you for your constant support and help producing content this semester. You guys devote so much time and effort to making our paper the best it can be, and don’t get nearly enough credit for it.
To my senior staff writer and locker buddy Greg Lane, thank you for the daily 5 a.m. rides to practice, never missing a deadline , and just being an all around great friend (and a very good running back too).
To our staff writers Amelia Ocampo and Jonas Jarecki, thank you for delivering great work and making my job that much easier.
Thank you to every one of my teammates and coaches on the Oberlin football team. I took a gamble coming back for a fifth season of football, and it more than paid off because of every single one of you.
To my mom, my dad, and my brother David, you guys have done so much for me it would be impossible to adequately thank you in the space of one article. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
And lastly, thank you to everyone who has read my content over the years. It’s been an honor and I look forward to receiving emails asking me to donate to the College.
Roll Squirrels,
Chris Stoneman #97