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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Issue 1, Issue 2 Pass in Ohio, Draw High Voter Turnout

Ava Miller and Yasu Shinozaki November 17, 2023

Outcome & Implications Shortly after 9 p.m. Nov. 7, the Associated Press called the election over Issue 1: the amendment passed with 56.6 percent, meaning nearly 2.2 million voters out of over 3.8...

Events celebrating international students were held throughout the week.

International Education Week Highlights Cultural Diversity In International Student Community

Yoyo Ji November 17, 2023

Oberlin’s International Student and Scholar Services office scheduled events to celebrate International Education Week Nov. 13–17. These events aimed to celebrate the international community of Oberlin...

Libni López speaks at the Community Candidates Night at the First Church in Oberlin.

Libni López: City Council Member- Elect, Community Organizer, Therapist

Kayla Kim, Managing Editor November 17, 2023

Libni López is a therapist who focuses on bilingual therapy and helping trans individuals with gender-affirming care. From 2017 to 2023, he worked with the College as a program fellow for the Multicultural...

Students visit Blue Rock Station Sustainability Center.

Students Learn About Sustainable Farming, Clean Energy At Blue Rock Station Sustainability Center

Lily Nobel, Production Editor November 17, 2023

From Nov. 10–12, 11 Oberlin students visited Blue Rock Station, a sustainability center in Philo, to learn about sustainable farming and clean energy. Since 2004, 34,000 people have come to Blue Rock...

World Headlines

Lily Nobel, Production Editor November 17, 2023

Israeli Military Invades Al-Shifa Hospital On Nov. 15, the Israeli military invaded Al-Shifa Hospital, which it claims is a major stronghold for Hamas in Gaza. In recent weeks, the hospital has served...

Nonprofits Finish Three-Part Workshop Series on Stigma of Addiction

Kayla Kim, Managing Editor November 17, 2023

On Wednesday, Student Health Promotion and Prevention Services hosted a workshop called “Brain and Disease of Addiction” in partnership with The LCADA Way, the Rural Response Network, and Overdose...

Students protest on the steps in Cox Administration Building.

Students for Free Palestine Organizes Die-In, Demands Corporate Divestment

Kayla Kim and Ava Miller November 10, 2023

On Nov. 9th, leaders of Students for a Free Palestine led a walkout at 1:45 p.m. Earlier that day, Oberlin’s SFP chapter, along with chapters at Denison University, Kenyon College, and The College of...

Breakdown of 2023 Election Results

Yasu Shinozaki, News Editor November 10, 2023

Voters in Oberlin and across Ohio went to the polls last Tuesday to vote in a number of elections and referendums. Over 95 percent of the votes in Ohio are counted, according to The New York Times, but...

Students participate in F1rst Generation Week.

F1rst Generation Week Celebrates First Generation Students

Adrienne Sato, Senior Staff Writer November 10, 2023

Oberlin celebrated F1rst Generation Week this past week with a variety of activities aimed at students who are the first in their family to attend college. The activities focused on building community,...

Lilly Baeza-Rangel

Lily Baeza-Rangel: Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Fellow, First Generation Student

Ava Miller, The Bulletin Editor November 10, 2023

Lily Baeza-Rangel is a third-year Comparative American Studies and Hispanic Studies major with a minor in Writing and Communication. She was born in Guanajuato, México but grew up in the southern part...

Welcome Nursing Home has been operating in Oberlin since 1945.

$927,000 Grant Approved For Lorain County Seniors

Jesse Gross and Grace Sarafidis November 10, 2023

In June of last year, the Lorain County Office of Aging was allocated nearly $1 million through funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. The money is intended to help the nonprofit’s programming that...

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