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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Administrators Respond to Student Concerns

To the Editors: We are writing foremost to express our strong support and appreciation for [Oberlin Student Cooperative Association] and to reiterate our commitment to equity and fairness across all...

Removing OSCA Options for Low-Income Students Exclusionary, Not Equitable

Rowan Bassman, Contributing Writer April 21, 2017

If I were entering the Class of 2021, I would no longer be able to afford Oberlin College. It wouldn’t matter if the College met 100 percent of my demonstrated need. Without the money I’ve saved...

Chemistry Hiring Delays Favor Temps

Michael B. Palazzolo, OCOPE Personnel Coordinator April 21, 2017

As a longtime member of Oberlin College Office and Professional Employees, Office and Professional Employees International Union, local 502, I would like to express my dismay at how the recent search...

Limited Number of Humanities Classes Pigeonholes Students

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor April 21, 2017

Registration season is a stressful time for many students. We worry about when our registration slot will be, if we will get into the classes we need and, if we don’t, if we will be able to successfully...

Specific Administrator Could Aid Diversity

Kameron Dunbar, Contributing Writer April 21, 2017

Last week, the Review’s Editorial Board posited that the Stragetic Plan Implementation Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’s suggestion to add a chief diversity officer as “a roundabout...

Divisions Between Disciplines Limit Education

Liv Scott, Contributing Writer April 21, 2017

“Think one person can change the world? So do we.” Oberlin’s Admissions Office uses this signature slogan to attract prospective students eager to tackle the problems of society. But at Oberlin,...

Libertarian Ideology Protects Capital at Workers’ Expense

Jordan Ecker, Contributing Writer April 21, 2017

Jacob Britton’s latest attempt at political debate begins, “It was only a matter of time…” Indeed, I suppose it was. I can’t help but feel that the first paragraph of Britton’s latest foray...

Stop Raising Tuition

Editorial Board April 21, 2017

The administration’s announcement to raise tuition to a whopping $69,372 by overhauling the College’s housing and dining systems is a perfect example of everything wrong with how this school is run. Administrators...

Happy Easter?

Happy Easter?

Brian Tom, Contributor April 21, 2017

Trump Recklessly Tempts War

Russell Jaffe, Columnist April 21, 2017

International tensions are on the rise as North Korea and the United States trade increasingly threatening demonstrations of military power. In one deliberate provocation, President Donald Trump supposedly...

Administrative Bloat Evades Real Issue

Editorial Board April 14, 2017

The General Faculty Committee considered recommendations for implementation from the Strategic Plan Implementation Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion working group today, including a suggestion...

Branding Masculinity as ‘Bad’ Restricts Change

Jack Rockwell, Contributing Writer April 14, 2017

Last week, I watched a close friend mediate a discussion between two students. My friend, who I will call Jaime, was doing an excellent job, periodically interjecting with statements that found a middle...

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