To the Editors:
The events of this past week, both national and local, have unsettled members of the Oberlin community and specifically those of us in the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association. We,...
To the Editors:
There is a sentiment among certain Oberlinians — both town and college — that it’s OK to steal from Gibson’s Bakery and other stores downtown, so says my 17-year-old Oberlin High...
Roger Copeland, Professor of Theater and Dance
• November 18, 2016
To the Editors:
I’ve known the Gibson family for many years and find it very difficult to believe that any of them would engage in the odious practice of racial profiling. I also know that their family-owned...
Student Senate passed a resolution ceasing all support for Gibson's Bakery, financial and otherwise, after three Black College students were arrested following an altercation with employee Allyn Gibson...
Despite a commendable effort by Hillary Clinton supporters, Lorain County went red on Tuesday by fewer than 400 votes. Though many Oberlin students are devastated by the result, for many in nearby residences,...
Like many of you on campus today, I am still coming to terms with what happened Tuesday. What happened being, of course, that the U.S. elected Donald Trump as our next president. Even writing out that...
I never really considered the implications of a Donald Trump presidency until Tuesday. I knew he was running. I watched his speeches, rallies and debates. All of the signs were there, and yet until early...
Obies and their family members congregated in the Carnegie Building’s Root Room to hear NPR Radiolab host Robert Krulwich, OC ’69, give a talk titled “Oberlin Itches, So I Scratch: A Private 50 Year...
The U.S. was simultaneously shocked and horrified by Donald Trump’s win late on election night. In an equally alarming turn of events, Democrats failed to win back control of either the Senate or the...
Chloe Vassot, Contributing Writer
• November 11, 2016
I did not expect this election to make me cry. I expected my cynicism to protect me in a jaded, painless bubble that denied the horrifying reality of a non-Clinton outcome. This election has made clear...