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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review



Carroll Rutledge, Contributor October 28, 2016

Historic Prison Strike Protests Legal Slavery

Sami Mericle, Opinions Editor October 28, 2016

In the 21st century, it is unbelievable that much of the U.S. population can be legally enslaved. A national prison strike protesting just that has reached at least 29 prisons in 22 states, garnering...

Feminism Will Become Law Under Clinton

Amber Scherer, Contributing Writer October 28, 2016

As a country, we’ve finally made it through all three presidential debates. The matches were tense and personal, which gave us a deep look at the candidates’ characters. One resorted to insult, accusation...

Alumni Association Values Inclusivity

Wendell P. Russell, Jr., Alumni Leadership Council member October 28, 2016

To the Editors: During the weekend of October 7–9, members of the leadership body of the Oberlin Alumni Association — the Alumni Leadership Council — were in Oberlin for meetings, to participate...

Bob Dylan Showcases Radical Innovation in Art

CJ Blair, Columnist October 28, 2016

It has long been rumored that Bob Dylan could win the Nobel Prize in Literature, but when the Nobel Committee announced his win two weeks ago, literature enthusiasts and laypeople alike were shocked. New...

Clinton Proposes Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief October 28, 2016

A defining issue of the presidential election has been immigration, largely due to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s controversial proposal to halt illegal immigration to the U.S. by building...

Two-Party System Denies Voters Choice

Russell Jaffe, Contributing Writer October 28, 2016

When my father was driving my brother and me back from one of our winter club hockey games when I was a kid, he asked us to vote on where we should stop for dinner. My brother and I — still young enough...

Environmentalists Must Rally Behind Clinton

Kelly McCarthy, Contributing Writer October 7, 2016

No good thing comes without a cost. More than a century of rapid technological advancement has sent global temperatures skyrocketing at a rate 10 times faster than precedented by natural history. We’re...

Candidates Neglect Climate Change Dialogue

Amanda Tennant, Layout Editor October 7, 2016

With only a few weeks left until the general election, the candidates have debated a variety of domestic and foreign topics. Yet climate change and the United States’ role in combating it has barely...

Student Representatives Mutually Beneficial for Board, Students

Editorial Board October 7, 2016

During the Board of Trustees’ quarterly campus visit this week, Student Senate and former student members of the Steering Committee pushed for trustees to approve the addition of student representatives...

Bass Event at Clinton Office Highlights Disunity of Oberlin Gay Community

Brendan Eprile, Contributing Writer October 7, 2016

Regardless of your stance on the *NSYNC versus Backstreet Boys debate, former *NSYNC member Lance Bass’ Sept. 27 visit to the Clinton campaign offices in Oberlin was exciting. It didn’t hurt that...

Clowning Around

Clowning Around

Nick Endicott, Contributor October 7, 2016

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