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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Professors Urge Campus to Engage in Inclusive Discussion

Wendy Kozol, Shelley Lee, Gina Pérez, and Renee Romano April 15, 2016

To the Editor: Regarding the recent statement on anti-Semitism written by Professor of Politics Marc Blecher and signed by over 170 faculty, we would like to add our voices to the conversation and explain...

Adopting Realist Worldview Helps to Cope with Depression

CJ Blair, Columnist April 8, 2016

Over the past year I’ve started to notice a feeling that I have never before experienced. It comes after periods of high stress or depressive episodes and disappears before I can make sense of it. It’s...

Panama Papers Coverage Strengthened by Prioritizing Local Media

Editorial Board April 8, 2016

Over 11.5 million documents have been released since April 3 in what has become the largest leak of secret documents in history. Dubbed the “Panama Papers,” this 2.6 terabyte leak surpasses WikiLeaks’...

Tourist Experience of Israel Doesn’t Show Whole Picture

K.S., College junior April 8, 2016

Editor’s note: This letter references a letter to the editor from David D. Gladfelter, OC ’58, published April 1. To the Editors: To those alumni no longer on campus who refuse to consider claims...

‘Autism Speaks’ Fails to Support Autistic People

Auden Granger, Production Staff Member April 8, 2016

Welcome to April, the time of year that I have affectionately christened “Anger Month” and that others refer to as “Autism Awareness Month,” a project sponsored by the notoriously awful organization...

Federal Government Adopts Hypocritical Policy on War Crimes

Sean Para, Columnist April 8, 2016

The list of Russian violations of international treaties and human rights in the past two and a half decades is astounding in its lawlessness. The two Chechen Wars from 1994–1996 and from 1999–2009...

U.S. Election Will Affect More than Residents

Melissa Cabat, College junior April 8, 2016

To the Editors: When I arrived in Australia in late January for my semester abroad, I foolishly expected to spend the next couple of months somewhat separated from the mayhem of the American political...

For-Profit Healthcare Not the Fault of Disabled People

Cyrus Eosphoros, Contributing Writer April 8, 2016

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s staff tweeted against the Affordable Care Act Wednesday: “Obamacare guarantees $400bn in profits for insurance companies by creating a captured market....

We Must Distinguish Between Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism

Rachel S., Contributing Writer April 3, 2016

When news first broke that an Oberlin professor posted anti-Semitic content on Facebook, I was skeptical. In our culture there is a huge conflation of criticism of the Israeli state and Zionism with anti-Semitism....

With Focus on Elite Schools, Media Ignores Disadvantaged Students

Editorial Board April 1, 2016

April 1 is a long-awaited day for many high school students: the day colleges notify applicants of admission decisions. Yet the image of the anxious high school senior waiting by the mailbox or frantically...

Personal Facebook Posts Not Grounds for Dismissal

Justin Emeka, OC ’95 and Associate Professor of Theater and Africana Studies April 1, 2016

As an Oberlin alumnus, and now an Oberlin professor who was recently granted tenure, much of my identity has been forged in the heated exchange of ideas that exist at Oberlin College. In my first year...

Your Satisfaction Will Follow “U”

Josh Ashkinaze, Columnist April 1, 2016

In late March, somebody on Reddit posted a question: “What event divided your life into ‘before’ and ‘after’?” One answer was, “I think I’m still in the ‘before’ stage of my life, if...

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