The 2016 election is increasingly revealing the seismic shifts that have taken place in American politics over the past decades, as well as the possibility of a new political order. Donald Trump’s surge...
In early 2016, Oberlin President Marvin Krislov decided to respond to a list of demands from ABUSUA, Oberlin’s Black student union, not with action but with words. His Jan. 20 email and From the President’s...
For a while now, I’ve been wondering what happened to “labor.” It’s part of our motto, “Learning and Labor,” but not really part of our day-to-day lives as students. Yes, labor in the time...
“Guns Everywhere” is the apt nickname for the Ohio House Bill 48, which passed the House of Representatives on Nov. 17 and was introduced to the State Senate a day later. If passed, HB 48 would allow...
To the Editors:
It is remarkable to be on a college campus that has three simultaneous divestment campaigns. Students at Oberlin are encouraging the administration to sell its stock holdings in three...
Nothing captures the vexing emotional landscape of college better than Tinder. It’s an app that’s elegant in its simplicity, but its effects are totally scattershot. It is awkwardly situated between...
Abraham Socher, Associate Professor of Religion and Director of Jewish Studies
• March 4, 2016
As a Jew, a historian of Judaism and a faculty member, I was outraged when I read David Gertsman’s story in The Tower, “Oberlin Professor Claims Israel Was Behind 9/11, ISIS, Charlie Hebdo Attack”...
Booker C. Peek, Emeritus Associate Professor of Africana Studies
• February 26, 2016
To the Editors:
Brave and selfless women and men volunteer to serve in our armed services to support America by being willing to lay down their lives in faraway lands in defense of the United States...
“Poetry is more than just words in a strange order, CJ.” These were the words of my uncle, a well-known poet in my hometown, after reading my earliest attempts at poetry. I had written a handful of...
After polling neck and neck with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly won all six tie-breaker coin flips in the Iowa caucuses on Feb. 1. Some called it the...
While reading two Review articles regarding the College’s failure to create a women and trans hour in Philips gym, I was faced with another instance of gender inequality within the realm of athletics...
Chloe Vassot, Contributing Writer
• February 26, 2016
Editor’s note: This article discusses ableism.
Hazel the hamster lives in Johnson House.
Her furry presence is loved by many. She leads a life of comfort and ease and she creates a vitally important...