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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Boynton, Mizzou Scandals Reveal Growing Dispute over Journalistic Ethics

Editorial Board November 13, 2015

Journalistic ethics have been under close examination this past week. It seems like everyone has something to say about activists at the University of Missouri calling for privacy in the face of national...

Organic Chemistry’s Reputation Built on Unnecessary Anxiety

CJ Blair, Columnist November 13, 2015

If Principles of Organic Chemistry were assigned a character based on its reputation, it would be the shark from Jaws swimming in a pool of undergraduate minnows. I can’t think of another class so...

Opposing Religious Views Should Not Polarize Society

James Miller, Contributing Writer November 13, 2015

The Western world and Oberlin College have fallen into a state of ideological blindness that grows harder to discuss as time passes. I’m not talking about typical political battles. I am talking about...

Despite Declining Popularity, Twitter Serves Purpose for Citizen Journalists

Ben Silverman, Contributing Writer November 13, 2015

Twitter is undergoing turbulence. Its struggles to hold users’ interest have caused some to speculate that the 140-character model of sharing news and opinions may have been overvalued by investors and...

Discouraging Dissent Stifles Intellectual Growth

Aaron Pressman, Columnist November 6, 2015

The first tenet listed in Oberlin College’s mission statement is to “graduate ... students who have learned to think with intellectual rigor, creativity, and independence.” Yet it seems to be increasingly...

Professors Require Support in Project Veritas Scandal

Tory S., College junior November 6, 2015

To the Editors: Amidst the chaos and anger about the Angela Boynton “right-wing-sting” from Project Veritas’ video on shredding the Constitution, I wanted to bring attention to the importance...

Can I Appropriate My Own Culture?

Cyrus Eosphoros, Online Editor November 6, 2015

Día de los Muertos has been a culturally important feature of my life for as long as I can remember. My first grade class wandered off to the neighboring cemetery to see the wreaths, photographs and...

Russia Prevents Ukraine from Joining West

Sean Para, Columnist November 6, 2015

The calm that has settled over eastern Ukraine in the past two months has been billed by many as a victory for the West. Russia, as the narrative goes, has failed to take over the territory as it had originally...

Waving Can Promote Sense of Community

CJ Blair, Columnist November 6, 2015

Forty percent of my social interactions are unreciprocated waves. There are times when I think that I’m the only one who feels this way, but in my second year at Oberlin, I’ve learned that plenty...

Marijuana Legislation Must Account for Racial Injustice

Editorial Board November 6, 2015

With an almost two-to-one ratio vote on Issue 3, Ohio did not legalize recreational marijuana on Tuesday. By a much smaller margin, Issue 2 passed. The state-sponsored Issue 2 was a direct response to...

Green Energy Credits Should Be Spent Investing in Future

Charles Peterson, Oberlin resident October 30, 2015

To the Editors: The Oct. 19 City Council work session [on] Oberlin’s Renewable Energy Credits was a clear demonstration of the differences in vision among Oberlin’s City Council. The issue at hand...

Informed Opinion Necessary for Election Voting

David Ashenhurst, Oberlin resident October 30, 2015

To the Editors: All elections matter. Even-year, odd-year, primary, general. Presidential, statewide and local. Issues and candidates ( for every office), every time. All elections matter —...

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