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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

GSFS Majors Need Permanent Faculty, Intro Course

Tory Sparks, Talia Nadel, and Tony Moaton October 9, 2015

To the Editors: Oberlin’s Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies majors, minors and allies are asking for student support of our petition to the Dean’s office to hire a faculty member for the GSFS...

Marijuana Legalization Initiative Will Create Monopoly

Cory Ventresca, College junior October 9, 2015

To the Editors: Aaron Pressman’s article in the Sept. 25 edition of the Review, “Issue 3 Will Boost Ohio’s Economy,” failed to take full consideration of the ballot initiative’s many negative...

Student Activism Leads to Undocumented Scholarship

To the Editors: On Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, Oberlin announced a new partnership with Golden Door Scholars. Golden Door Scholars is an organization that partners with undergraduate schools to provide...

Mental Illness Comprises Part of My Personality

Cyrus Eosphoros, Online Editor October 9, 2015

Erin Jones sparked the #MedicatedAndMighty hashtag after she decided to resume psychiatric treatment and posted a photo on Facebook: The selfie of her with her new prescriptions spread to Twitter and the...

Capitalist Demands Limit Growth

Jasper Clarkberg, Contributing Writer October 9, 2015

Last week Student Senate Liaisons College fifth-year Megs Bautista and double-degree junior Jeremy Poe announced the possibility of the Board of Trustees reducing the College’s endowment payout. This...

Gateway Hotel Project a Fire Hazard

Tony Mealy, Oberlin citizen October 9, 2015

To the Editors: After attending a recent special meeting called to discuss the Gateway Hotel project, it became very clear that Oberlin College and the city Planning Commission appear to be totally...

Appalachian Stereotypes Ignore Region’s Complex Social History

CJ Blair, Columnist October 9, 2015

Being a Kentuckian at Oberlin puts me in a strange position. While my home state is only four hours away, every day quietly affirms that it’s farther than anywhere else in the country. This feeling stems...

Abandonment of Ukraine Allows Conflict to Drag On

Sean Para, Columnist October 2, 2015

Mass media has covered little of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine over the past few months. Since the success of February’s Minsk-2 accords, large-scale fighting has abated in Eastern Ukraine. Nonetheless,...

Orthorexia a Growing Concern

Isabel Hulkower October 2, 2015

Eating disorders on college campuses are nothing new. The combination of stress and new surroundings can be extremely triggering, and scores of students across the country struggle with issues surrounding...

Review of Faculty Performance Infers Too Much

Daniel Hautzinger, Double-degree senior October 2, 2015

To the Editors: I was dismayed and unsettled by Colin Roshak’s review of a faculty chamber recital, published in the Sept. 25 edition of The Oberlin Review as “Faculty Fail to Meld During Chamber...

Marathons Inspire Runners to Accept Daunting Challenges

CJ Blair, Columnist October 2, 2015

When you tell someone that you’re a runner, they’re probably not going to say that they’d like to be a runner too. Even though this isn’t always true for short distances, telling someone that you...

Students Should Bring Perspective to City Council

Sharon Fairchild-Soucy, Vice President of Oberlin City Council October 2, 2015

To the Editors: From my position as vice president of Oberlin’s City Council, I want to welcome both returning and new Oberlin College students to town. This will be your hometown for the next eight...

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