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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Raising Mice Translates Depression into Compassion, Beauty

CJ Blair, Columnist May 8, 2015

There aren’t many teenage girls who would demand to leave school early so they could take care of a dozen wounded feeder mice. Even fewer would do this: call countless rehab centers until they found...

Just Ask Us: To Do List Before Graduation

Jolie De Feis and Mike Plotz May 8, 2015

Disclaimer: “Just Ask Us and We’ll Tell Ya” is a satirical column, and the Review does not condone illegal activity of any kind. Hear ye, hear ye. It has come time for our final Review article,...

Improv Community Misrepresented in Arts Article

May 8, 2015

To the Editors: We, members of the three improv groups noted in the recent article titled “Community of Improv Performers Grows Tighter,” take issue with not only the content, but also the process...

Violence Requires Multiple Definitions

Jade Schiff, Assistant Professor of Politics May 1, 2015

To the Editors: Violence, sexual and otherwise, afflicts Oberlin as it does colleges and universities around the world, and our community needs to address it vigorously. But we won’t be able to do...

Conservative Rural Stereotype Diverts Attention from Urban, Liberal Racism

Kiley Petersen, Managing Editor May 1, 2015

“White people are racist. Not all of them. But white culture is. Our white country is. Our nation is. Our American culture is full of white supremacy. We live in a white supremacist culture that caters...

Silencing Survivors Results in Violence

Anonymous, College junior May 1, 2015

Dear Professor Copeland: Do you think there are not survivors on this campus? Survivors who were offended and hurt by the words and actions of Christina Hoff Sommers? You said that nothing Sommers said...

Silence on Tuition Hike Proves Senate’s Irrelevance

, , , and May 1, 2015

To the Editors: The Oberlin College Student Senate is a 15-member body, elected to relay the complex and pressing needs of the student population to their institution. Yet, if one were to read the description...

Media Paints Inaccurate Portrayal of Baltimore

Kyle Tribble, Contributing Writer May 1, 2015

All my life, my mother has stressed to me the importance of having “common sense.” Whether it was getting my homework in on time, treating my elders with respect or simply making responsible choices,...

Free Speech Defenders Underestimate Power, Violence of Language

Cyrus Eosphoros, Columnist May 1, 2015

An awful lot of problems spring from one question: Does speech do harm comparable to physical injury? Roger Copeland’s letter to the editors (“Free Speech Not Equivalent to Violence,” The Oberlin...

Tsarnaev’s Sentencing Provokes Moral Questions Surrounding Death Penalty

Editorial Board May 1, 2015

Content Warning: This editorial contains discussion of the death penalty and execution. Two years after the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has reached the sentencing phase of his...

Senate Urges Trustees to Divest from Fossil Fuels

Student Senate May 1, 2015

Student Senate unanimously approved this letter on Thursday, April 30, 2015. To the trustees of Oberlin College: Whereas: In June of 2014, the Board approved the Divestment Resolution, permitting...

Student Initiatives Fund Gives New Opportunities

To the Editors: Since 2013, the Office of Disabilities has initiated a peer-oriented program designed to further enhance the quality of campus life for students with disabilities; upperclassmen disclosed...

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