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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Just Ask Us: Avoid Midterms Stress

Jolie De Feis and Mike Plotz March 13, 2015

You’re stressed. We get it; you’re an Oberlin student (or alumnum, or prospie, or professor, or townsperson, or random internet surfer who was searching for “views in Berlin” and stumbled upon...

Temperature Rise Over 50 Years More Dangerous Than It Sounds, Increase in Coral Bleaching Triggered by Heat

Sophia Ottoni-Wilhelm, Contributing Writer March 13, 2015

Climate data for 2014 reveal it was the warmest year in recorded history, with 1998 coming in at a close second. While it may not seem particularly consequential in the midst of a never-ending Oberlin...

Faculty Weigh In On ’Sco Cancellation

Rick Baldoz, Shelley Lee, and Harrod Suarez March 13, 2015

To the Editor: In addressing the cancellation of the show by the band Viet Cong, we as scholars and teachers of Asian American studies wish to shed light on why, for some, this was not a benign matter....

Student Activism Intimidating, Not Oppressive

Ryan Murphy and March 13, 2015

In the Feb. 13 issue of The Oberlin Review, contributing writer James Tanford wrote an op-ed titled “Student Hypocrisy Part of Problem, Contributes to Injustice” on his problems with student activism....

Watergate Reveals Disparities in Urban, Rural Communities

Kiley Petersen, Managing Editor March 13, 2015

From the way students reacted to the water boil alert that went into effect early Sunday morning on March 8, you would think the apocalypse had begun. Playfully dubbed “Watergate 2k15,” the citywide...

Winter Term Creates Air of Detachment

Margo Josephson, Contributing Writer March 6, 2015

Oberlin fluctuates between a place of safety and an isolated hub of culture trapped in the Midwest. I return to campus each semester with a different mindset. Sometimes I crave the seclusion of the College...

Gear Co-op Leadership Resembles Totalitarian Regime

Nate Sher, Contributing Writer March 6, 2015

If you haven’t already heard the noise, the Gear Co-op — a student organization committed to providing non-Conservatory musicians with access to rehearsal space and musical equipment — has hatched....

Nemtsov Killing Should Prompt Introspection Alongside Condemnation

Editorial Board March 6, 2015

When prominent Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on a Moscow street last Friday, days before he was slated to lead a major anti-government protest, global leaders rallied behind familiar...

Food Truck Debate Ongoing, City Council Divided

Mark Chesler, Local resident March 6, 2015

Prepared remarks delivered at Feb. 2, 2015 Oberlin City Council and Feb. 4, 2015 Oberlin Planning Commission meetings. To the Editors: On Oct. 22, 2014, and Nov. 5, 2014, an obstinate Oberlin Planning...

SFP Stands with Khattab, Odeh on Israel Apartheid Week

Students for a Free Palestine March 6, 2015

Content Warning: This letter contains references to torture and sexual assault. To the Editors: Lina Khattab is not much different from an Oberlin student. She is 18 years old, studies media at university,...

Exploring Nuances: A Column on Columns

CJ Blair, Columnist March 6, 2015

When you sign on to write a weekly column for your college’s newspaper, it’s all but guaranteed that you’ll occasionally struggle to think of topics. When that happens, you can either sit out for...

Students Should Acknowledge Ethical Downsides of Coffee

Chloe Vassot, Columnist March 6, 2015

On college campuses across the country, and especially at Oberlin, you can be sure of coming across that ever-present couple: the student and the coffee cup. Whether you prefer DeCafé or Slow Train,...

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