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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Attendance at CDS Policy Symposium Essential for Food Justice

Aliya Tuzhilin, Helena Bader, Eleanor Catlin, and Ayami Kan November 21, 2014

To the Editors: Oberlin students and CDS employees have the incredible opportunity to help write a food policy for Oberlin College that will guide the College and CDS in its purchasing and employment...

OCRL Encourages Respect, Tolerance

To the Editors: Oberlin preaches tolerance of individuals and groups, but recently, we, the Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians, as a club have seriously had to question the true tolerance...

Emergency Declaration in Missouri Premature, Discourages Structural Change

Editorial Board November 21, 2014

In anticipation of the announcement by prosecutors of whether a grand jury will file charges against Darren Wilson — the Ferguson, MO police officer who fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown in August...

Just Ask Us: National Library Day

Jolie De Feis and Mike Plotz November 21, 2014

This article is a little sentimental for us because it is how this whole column began. One day, early in the semester, before the temperature with wind chill was negative 6 degrees and the albino squirrels...

Latest Kardashian Photoshoot Has Racial Undertones

Kiley Petersen, Managing Editor November 21, 2014

Kim Kardashian has broken the internet. Her controversial photoshoot for the winter 2014 edition of Paper magazine, where she poses both nude and in a black dress, blew up on Twitter and Facebook after...

Unwanted Schedules Offer Hidden Opportunities

CJ Blair, Columnist November 21, 2014

Getting into college can be a chore, especially when high school students are aiming for colleges like Oberlin. When all that’s taken care of and students are admitted into prestigious schools, it makes...

Equality Movement Must Push Beyond Marriage

Sophie Kemp, Contributing Writer November 14, 2014

On Nov. 6, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ban on marriage equality in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee. Now, before we all stand around singing along to “Same Love” by Macklemore...

Graduating Senior Reflects on Sidewalk Etiquette

Anasuya Shekhar, College senior November 14, 2014

To the Editors: As I prepare to graduate this December, I think back on the many experiences I have had here at Oberlin College. Some have been middling; others have been pretty nice. I could not be...

GOP Policies an Attack on Millennials

Zachery Crowell, Contributing Writer November 14, 2014

During the 2004 election, a gap in voting preferences emerged between those younger than 30 and those older than 65 for the first time since the end of the Vietnam War. This age gap in voting has since...

Yik Yak Teaches Students Value of Concise Writing

CJ Blair, Columnist November 14, 2014

As long as there has been language, there have always been two ways to say something: the long way and the short way. Whether for comedy, argument or presentation, there’s a delicate balance between...

Alumna Reflects on Peace Corps Experiences

Hannah Combe November 14, 2014

To the Editors: I graduated from Oberlin on May 30, 2013 and sent in my application to Peace Corps within the next week. My interview with a recruiter happened within the month, and then I did not hear...

U.S. Intervention in Iraq, Syria Ineffective

Dylan Tencic, Contributing Writer November 14, 2014

During a strategic planning conference with foreign military leaders, President Obama had an encouraging change of perspective on operations in the Iraq and Syria. He acknowledged that the fight against...

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