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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Editorial: High Expectations Make for Enlightened Campus Drug Culture

The Editorial Board April 20, 2012

If you — student, professor, prospie or visiting parent — notice students greeting each other with calls of “Happy holidays” and sleepy grins today, don’t be surprised. But don’t be too quick...

Prepare to Become an Alum

Rick Pender April 20, 2012

To the Editors: Although I’m certain you’re getting an excellent education at Oberlin, I want to tell you something you might not have learned yet: You’re officially on your way to becoming an...

Administration to Help Obies Talk About ObieTalk

Eric Estes and Ben Jones April 20, 2012

To the Editors: In the past several months, concerns in our community related to ObieTalk have grown significantly in number and severity, as has the related correspondence to our offices from both...

A Conversation wtih William Roth

Shahab Raza April 13, 2012

I can think of few people in our community who would be more compelling subjects of an interview than William Roth. I have felt that way ever since my first interaction with the new athletic director,...

Afrikana Community Responds to Bigotry

We, the concerned members and allies of the Oberlin Afrikana community, are sick and tired. We are sick and tired of the blatant disrespect that continues to be perpetuated throughout this campus. We are...

GOP Budget Light on Specifics, Heavy on Social Darwinism

Will Rubenstein, Opinions Editor April 13, 2012

It’s the budget proposal that has set the Washington, D.C. chattering class abuzz. President Obama has called it “an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country,” while all-but-inevitable...

Conservative Contingent: On Health Insurance Mandate, No He Can’t

Andrew Lipian, Columnist April 6, 2012

Barack Obama, the haughty former University of Chicago law professor whom America elected President in 2008, is a member of the executive branch and has no authority to render interpretations of the Constitution....

Student Activism Lacks Cohesion, Unity

Max Zahn and Jake Streich-Kest April 6, 2012

The most disconcerting thing about former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton’s Feb. 29 speech in Craig Lecture Hall was the applause. It remained steady throughout his hawkish criticism of President Obama’s...

Lamenting Demise of Traditional Lacrosse Alumni Game

Michael Hankes April 6, 2012

Oberlin athletics has a rich and storied history. This article marks the passing of a nearly 50-year-old tradition that has been a unique part of the Oberlin lacrosse program since at least 1963: From...

Drag Ball Revamp Deviates from Tone of Event’s Past

The Editorial Board April 6, 2012

By the way, Drag Ball is this weekend. You might have missed the Facebook reminders (because there really were none), the posters (also few and far between), and most unfortunately, if you just arrived...

Conservatory Must Abandon Euro-Centric Practices

Will Rubenstein, Opinions Editor March 16, 2012

With so much going on this semester, many outside the Jazz Studies department have probably missed the explosion of renowned jazz musicians on campus over the last month and a half. After past semesters...

Seize Spring Days for New Oberlin Experiences

The Editorial Board March 16, 2012

The days are full of sunshine, the grass is growing green, and when the balmy breezes start blowing over Plum Creek, it’s hard not to feel like Oberlin is letting out a contented sigh. (Especially since...

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