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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

COMIC: STEM Majors Slump

COMIC: STEM Majors Slump

Molly Chapin, Layout Manager and Illustrator April 21, 2023

AAUP Asks Oberlin to Value Faculty

The American Association of University Professors calls on Oberlin College to acknowledge the importance of our long- and short-term contingent faculty and teaching staff and to treat them equitably as...

Five of the living former presidents convene in the Oval Office.

Washington Leaders Out of Touch with Technological Advancements

Editorial Board April 21, 2023

The United States’ leaders are growing increasingly old. Joe Biden recently made history as the first U.S. president to turn 80 while in office. Among the five living former presidents, three were born...

College Financial Aid Policies Deprive OSCA Members of Full Benefits

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief April 14, 2023

After three semesters of being on a meal plan with Campus Dining Services, I made the decision to start dining in Keep Cottage, a part of the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association, this spring. During...

NATO Expansion to Shift Balance of International Relations on World Stage

Gautami Kunde April 14, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mission to restore lost glory poses a serious security threat in Eastern Europe and beyond. In May 2022, just months after Russia invaded Ukraine, Sweden and Finland...

Students’ criticisms of the College indicate an enduring school spirit.

Oberlin’s School Spirit Dependent on Dissent

Cecily Miles, Columnist April 14, 2023

A previous Review article makes reference to Oberlin students’ “knowledge and understanding of our institution’s imperfections” as a complicating factor — and even a hindrance — to their feelings...

Proposed House Bills Threaten Public Education

Deb Cocco April 14, 2023

On behalf of the Board of the League of Women Voters of the Oberlin Area, Ohio public education is under threat. Public education is one of the hallmarks of democracy, and it ensures all citizens have...

COMIC: Sunny Oberlin Days Impede Studying

COMIC: Sunny Oberlin Days Impede Studying

Molly Chapin, Layout Manager and Illustrator April 14, 2023

Waning of Liberal Arts Indicative of Shifts in Higher Education

Sahil Novetzke, Columnist April 14, 2023

On April 2, The New York Times published an opinion piece by Bret C. Devereaux, a teaching assistant professor at North Carolina State University, titled “Colleges Should Be More Than Just Vocational...

The Office of Spirituality and Dialogue.

Office of Spirituality and Dialogue New Approach to Religious Life Inadequate

Elliot Diaz April 14, 2023

One skill I have gained from a liberal arts education is the ability to identify generalizations that obscure more complex realities. On March 3, The Oberlin Review published an article about the changes...

Visitors Should Treat Ohio Natural Beauty, History With Respect

Sionainn Rudek April 14, 2023

Before I came to Oberlin for college, my mother made a point to remind me of our deep roots in the state of Ohio. She was born in Hillsboro, a small town in the southern region of the state. Her maternal...

Oberlin College Should Follow Proposed Standards For Alumni Salary Disclosure

Selena Frantz, Columnist April 7, 2023

As the 2023 college admissions cycle continues, many high school seniors are making a stressful yet exciting choice: where to spend the next four years of their lives. In an attempt to increase yield,...

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