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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

The Typewriter Renaissance is Upon Us

The Typewriter Renaissance is Upon Us

Emily Vaughan, Opinions Editor February 17, 2023

All faculty rightfully prefer that students forsake using all technology in their classes. Technologies that have internet access, like computers or cell phones, lure students into a distracted purgatory...

Eliminating legacy admissions would overall be beneficial to the College.

Legacy Admissions Hinder Diversity, Equity

Zachary Stout February 17, 2023

It was surprising to learn that Oberlin College gives preference to legacy students in its application and admissions process. Though Oberlin has stated its commitment to equity through various statements...

President Joe Biden spoke to the nation in his State of the Union address Feb. 7.

State of the Union Protests Have Lost Their Efficacy

Gautami Kunde February 17, 2023

Last week, Representative Mary Miller, a Republican from Illinois, announced in an interview with Breitbart that she would not be attending President Biden’s State of the Union speech. She told Breitbart,...

The development of the Oberlin Crossing Shopping Center has sparked much controversy within the Oberlin community.

Oberlin Crossing Development Supports Land Use Plan Goals

Cecily Miles, Columnist February 17, 2023

In The Oberlin Review’s initial coverage of early-stage plans for a shopping center within the city of Oberlin in 2019, an Oberlin resident accused the project’s developers of seeking to “pervert”...

Sentiment of Indifference Toward Syria Must Be Addressed

Zane Badawi February 17, 2023

I decided to visit my father in Akron during the first weekend of February to catch up with him. I hadn’t seen him since December, and I was looking forward to recounting my stories of Egypt, a part...

Memories of Place Should Be Preserved Through Campus Renovations

Editorial Board February 10, 2023

WOBC, a radio station that has been broadcasting since 1961, never managed to get on air last semester because they were on alert to be asked to move out of their old office in Wilder Hall at a moment’s...

DeSantis' War Against Higher Education Will Not Stop in Florida

DeSantis’ War Against Higher Education Will Not Stop in Florida

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief February 10, 2023

Last month,  Republican governor of Florida Ron DeSantis launched a mission to strip Florida’s higher education system of what his Director of Communications, Taryn Fenske, called a “political ideology...

Oberlin College banned bottled water on campus in 1999, but has since overturned its decision. Now, bottled water can be purchased at several dining locations across campus for Flex Dollars or meal swipes.

Water Bottle Debate Reveals Plastic Environmentalism

Jonah Barber, At Large Senior Staff Writer February 10, 2023

Chances are you’ve seen them littered under trees, cresting over the tops of bulging trash bags, or flying in the wind across Wilder Bowl as a sort of ankle-seeking missile of rubbish. Like cigarette...

College Would Benefit from Welcoming Scholars at Risk

Ava Miller, The Bulletin Editor February 10, 2023

Due to various global crises, many international graduate students have been unable to continue their studies. Graduate students in Ukraine face displacement due to shelling and mass violence. Since the...

Mischaracterization of Intrusive Thoughts on Social Media Damages Individuals With OCD

Selena Frantz, Columnist February 10, 2023

Editors’ Note: This article contains discussion of potentially harmful OCD compulsions. One of the most popular genres of videos on social media can be described as “people doing stupid things and...

Art Rental, which will take place this Saturday, has been an Oberlin tradition since 1940.

What is your favorite Oberlin tradition?

Emily Vaughan and Hanna Alwine February 10, 2023

College first-year Anjali Blacker: I went to the Winter Fest [Walkin' in a Winter Oberlin] … where they lit the Christmas tree and there was a parade and everything. … I enjoyed it because I love...

Editorial Comic: Severance Hall Under Construction

Editorial Comic: Severance Hall Under Construction

Molly Chapin, Layout Manager and Illustrator February 10, 2023

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