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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Trustees Stalling With New Faculty Compensation Review

Editorial Board March 25, 2022

On March 10, over 200 students marched from Tappan Square to the Cox Administration Building, delivering rousing speeches and standing in solidarity with faculty in calling for better treatment and compensation...

Middlebury AAUP Writes in Solidarity for Oberlin Faculty Compensation

Jason Mittell March 25, 2022

To the Oberlin College community, Life at a small liberal arts college is often referred to as being “in the bubble,” as it is easy to lose touch with the larger world around you while you focus on...

Subtle Prejudice of Disney/Pixar’s “Bao,” “Turning Red”

Phoebe McChesney, Columnist March 25, 2022

For centuries, the United States of America has been seen as the hallmark of opportunity. My whole life, I have been taught that it is the land of the brave and the free, a nation built by immigrants that...

College’s COVID Policies Fail Athletes

Zach Bayfield, Columnist March 25, 2022

On a brisk Friday afternoon two weeks ago, I was on a bus heading down to Berea, KY with my teammates. We were going there to play our first game of the 2022 season for Oberlin baseball. It was our first...

New York Times Free Speech Editorial Sends Dangerous Message

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief March 25, 2022

Last week, The New York Times published an editorial titled “America Has a Free Speech Problem.” The title alone is an unfortunate start, but it gets worse. Much worse. Right off the bat, the Editorial...

Paul Verhoeven’s Benedetta Exploits Queerness for Shock Value

Cal Ransom, News Editor March 25, 2022

Benedetta, a 2021 film co-written and directed by Paul Verhoeven, tells the story of a nun who sees visions of Christ and is headed for sainthood — that is, until a same-sex affair is revealed between...

A Sort-Of Detailed Guide to Doing Laundry at Oberlin College

A Sort-Of Detailed Guide to Doing Laundry at Oberlin College

Elle Giannandrea, Opinions Editor March 18, 2022

I know laundry is a chore. I know that for most college students, doing laundry is at best, mundane, and at worst, a hassle. And I especially know that no matter what I write here, most people will go...

OSCA Greatly Misunderstood by Non-OSCA Students

Emily Vaughan, Opinions Editor March 18, 2022

When I first decided to sign up for a co-op, I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. I knew that I would be responsible for cooking some of my meals and cleaning up after said cooking, but...

Successful Institution Determined By Its Faculty

Peter Woods March 18, 2022

On March 1, the Board of Trustees sent the kind of message to faculty and staff that has historically sparked civil unrest and even touched off revolutions in countries across the globe. On Dec. 15, 2021,...

Photo courtesy of KCRG

Affirmative Action Must Be Upheld

Editorial Board March 11, 2022

On Jan. 24, the Supreme Court announced that it would hear a challenge to affirmative action with regard to two cases involving Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. These...

Anti-Mahallati Protests Lack Context

Ray English, Director of Libraries Emeritus, Oberlin College March 11, 2022

My thanks to the Review for its most recent story about the controversy involving Professor of Religion Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, as reported by Managing Editor Gigi Ewing. As the story noted, I have done...

PAL Program Feels Like Just Another Responsibility

Phoebe McChesney, Columnist March 11, 2022

I went to a very fast-paced high school, the kind of place that prided itself on attracting and accepting the “best and brightest” of Chicago’s youth. It’s consistently ranked within the top five...

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