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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Debates Around Rap Music’s Validity Rooted in Racism

Debates Around Rap Music’s Validity Rooted in Racism

Angel Aduwo, Opinions Editor February 25, 2022

Earlier this month, Oberlin announced that it will be introducing a new minor in African-American Music for both College and Conservatory students. According to Professor Charles Peterson, chair of Oberlin...

Partisan Gerrymandering May Cause Primary Delays

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief February 25, 2022

On Thursday, Feb. 17, Ohio’s bipartisan redistricting commission failed yet again to produce a set of fair maps for State House and Senate districts. After presenting two sets of legislative maps to...

Dear President Ambar: Matthew Lahey’s Appointment is Shameful

David Arnow, OC ’73 February 25, 2022

Dear President Ambar, I am a 1973 Oberlin graduate, and I am now a professor of Computer and Information Science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. I have been on the faculty there...

Comic: The Online/Offline Dilemma

Comic: The Online/Offline Dilemma

Clair Wang, Illustrator February 25, 2022

Oberlin Faculty Underappreciated, Underpaid

No one comes to Oberlin for the frigid and dull Ohio winters. No one comes to dine in Stevenson Dining Hall or to live in luxury in Barrows Hall. Instead, most students come to Oberlin because they’re...

Oberlin Omicron Surge Was Predictable and Avoidable

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor January 14, 2022

On Monday, Dec. 20, the College reported roughly 50 new COVID-19 cases within a 24-hour period, marking what was by far the biggest overnight leap in cases for the College since the start of the pandemic....

Delivering Food to Isolating Students Should Be Paid Work

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief January 14, 2022

The Jan. 5 issue of the Campus Digest included a solicitation from the Office of the Dean of Students asking faculty and staff volunteers to deliver food to students who were isolating after testing positive...

Winter Break Quarantine Made Worse by College’s Negligence

Reginald Goudeau, Columnist January 14, 2022

I really thought my semester would end better this time. Until recently, life was going relatively well for me. AtGN was a great show to work on and got pretty consistent praise from those who saw it....

We Must Work to Destigmatize Conversations About Sexual Violence

Jenna Frizzell January 14, 2022

Over the past few years, discussions of sexual violence have been prominent on college campuses nationwide. From anonymous message boards to everyday conversations in the classroom and on the field, Oberlin...

Oberlin’s Transportation to Cleveland: False Advertising 101

Emma Sullivan January 14, 2022

It feels like it was just yesterday that I was agonizing over which college to attend — sifting through brochures and scrolling through websites, attending virtual events, and making detailed pro and...

Comic: New Year's Resolution

Comic: New Year’s Resolution

Clair Wang, Illustrator January 7, 2022

Professional Journalists Use Student Newspapers to Fuel Outrage Economy

Kayla Kim, Managing Editor January 7, 2022

On Dec. 10, one week before Solarity, I wrote an article about how to make concerts safer and more accessible for students. Soon after, I was trending in right-wing communities as hundreds of commenters...

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