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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

What is the True Cost of Campus Dining?

Desmond Hearne Morrey, Columnist June 11, 2021

It’s no secret that campus dining at Oberlin College has changed a lot over the past few years. It’s easy to get frustrated with the downsizing of the Oberlin co-ops, the often inconsistent quality...

Comic: Pride Month Shakedown

Comic: Pride Month Shakedown

Danny Valero, Illustrator June 4, 2021

Pride Month Begins, Celebrations Absent in Oberlin

Editorial Board June 4, 2021

For the first time in the College’s history, students are studying during a summer semester, making this a momentous first as we celebrate Pride Month on campus. We are, however, four days into June,...

Emerging from the Pandemic

Desmond Hearne Morrey, Columnist June 4, 2021

Something that my aunt told me on the journey to Oberlin for the summer semester is that there is a difference between simply being okay and working hard to be okay. I’m a second-year here at Oberlin,...

The matryoshka doll typically depicts white peasant women and their families which epitomizes a falsified image of Russian culture as essentially white or socially conservative in nature.

Moving beyond Matryoshki: Supporting LGBTQ+ and BIPOC Students in the Russian Department

Annika Krafcik, OC ’20 June 4, 2021

Editor’s note: This author graduated from Oberlin in May 2020 and helped organize the Russian Symposium student workshop, which took place on April 17, 2021. This article addresses homophobia, transphobia,...

Securing Palestinian Rights Without the Cost of Anti-Semitism

Havi Carrillo-Klein June 4, 2021

Scrolling through Instagram these past few weeks, my feed filled up with photographs and infographics on what was happening in Israel. With words like Sheikh Jarrah. Al-Aqsa Mosque. Jerusalem. Zionism....

The Violation of Human Rights is Not Complicated

Maya Pearl June 4, 2021

At roughly 2 a.m. on May 21, a truce between Israel and Hamas came into effect after 11 days of fighting. The death toll was striking — at least 242 people were killed in Gaza and 13 people in Israel....

I Bite — One Student’s Security Report Narrative

I Bite — One Student’s Security Report Narrative

Nico Vickers, Managing Editor June 4, 2021

Three white Campus Safety officers approached me and six friends while we were laughing, recounting an exhilarating board game experience on a Friday night at 11 p.m. We were in the common space on the...

Appreciating What We Have, Trying to Live Better Than We Did

Editorial Board May 29, 2021

Some of the students who arrived on campus this week had not set foot in Oberlin in months. Others had just completed spring semester and had only been away for nine days. But everyone arrived on a very...

Comic: For the Greater Good

Comic: For the Greater Good

Clair Wang, Illustrator May 28, 2021

ObieSafe Policy Enforcement Harms Black and Brown Students

Reginald Goudeau, Columnist May 28, 2021

It’s no secret that I’ve been very critical of Oberlin throughout my time writing for the Review. From the College’s failure to prioritize student mental health to its half-hearted apologies for...

Teaching Through Personal Trauma and a Pandemic

Angie Roles, Associate Professor of Biology May 28, 2021

Now that I’ve finished two semesters of remote teaching — hopefully never to be repeated — I think it’s worth reflecting on the experience. The pandemic arrived during an already transitional period...

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