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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Ariana Grande Should Not Be Your White Queer Icon

Aly Fogel, Arts Editor May 3, 2019

 A couple of months ago, I wrote an article for the Review about queer tropes in the music video for Ariana Grande’s song, “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” (“Ariana Grande’s Music...

Disabled Student-Athletes Must Have Accessibility Needs Met

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor May 3, 2019

 In light of the Academic and Administrative Program Review and financial stress at Oberlin College, there has been a lot of student concern surrounding physical accessibility. We know that there will...

International Programming Needs Greater Support

Editorial Board May 3, 2019

 The last decade has seen the population of international students attending Oberlin nearly double, stabilizing at an average of 11 percent per year. The profile of the class of 2022 includes 13 percent...

Current Facilities Don’t Meet Accessibility Needs

Zoe Luh and EmmaLia Mariner May 3, 2019

 This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, student senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus and...

Mercy Nurses Deserve More Respect, Thanks

Jaimie Yue, Arts Editor May 3, 2019

 As I approached the doors to Stevenson Dining Hall on Wednesday, April 24, a man stopped me and introduced himself as James. Clipboard in hand, he explained how the nurses at Mercy Allen Hospital were...

Career Communities Represents Positive Change, But Funding Must Be Accessible

Lior Krancer, Production Staff Member May 3, 2019

 My experience with the Career Communities Program was very valuable. As a member of the Nonprofit and Public Sector Career Community, I learned so much about career preparedness, networking, and interviewing....

Academic and Administrative Review Process Not the Enemy

Lior Krancer, Production Staff Member April 26, 2019

 As of yesterday, a year has passed since President Carmen Twillie Ambar shared the list of Academic and Administrative Program Review Steering Committee members with the Oberlin community. The AAPR is...

Reorganization Offers Opportunity to Build Residential Community

Editorial Board April 26, 2019

There are few Oberlin departments that require as much love, attention, and resources as the Office of Residential Education. Oberlin’s residential facilities are perceived by students as generally subpar...

Oberlin Should Invest More in Honors Program

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor April 26, 2019

 When I visited Oberlin as a junior in high school, I was intrigued by the College’s honors program. Though the speaker did not go into detail about what the program entailed, it sounded exactly like...

All In Fundraising Efforts Are Essential for Scholarship Fund

Meg Parker, Photo Editor April 26, 2019

In his most recent Netflix comedy special Kid Gorgeous, John Mulaney recounts the tale of how frequently his alma mater mails him requests for money. He jokes about how abrasive it was to receive a letter...

Inadequate Facilities Unsafe, Inaccessible For Disabled Students

Zoë Luh, Contributing Writer April 19, 2019

 My most poignant memory from Orientation Week was calling my best friend crying because I thought I would have to leave this school. Classes hadn’t even started yet. There was no academic pressure,...

Students Must Address Entitlement, Be More Respectful, Appreciative of Hourly Employees

Marisa Kim, Contributing Writer April 19, 2019

 Dear Obies: I do not wake up at 6 a.m. every Wednesday to clean up your messes.  I have worked for Campus Dining Services in Wilder DeCafé since my second week on campus. During my first semester,...

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