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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Drag Ball Attendees Must Prioritize Trans, Queer Identities

Editorial Board April 27, 2018

Hundreds of students will flood Wilder Hall Saturday night dressed in gender non-conforming clothing and ready to have the time of their lives. Drag Ball is one of the highlights of the school year for...

AccessCo Position Must Have More Job Transparency

Carson Li April 27, 2018

Even an organization like the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association, where students handle most of the management and regulation, still reflects many of our social and societal problems. One of them...

Cosby Cases Represent Problems With Justice System

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor April 27, 2018

Editor’s Note: This article contains discussion of sexual assault. Allegations against Bill Cosby first emerged in 2005 after Andrea Constand filed a lawsuit against him. Thirteen years later, on April...

ODR Reform, Obility Strengthens Dis/Ability Justice at Oberlin

Paige Reinstein April 27, 2018

When talking about dis/ability justice on this campus, it is so easy to focus on everything that is not working. It is so easy to focus on the classmates who will not join us next year due to the institution’s...

Reid Exhibits Misunderstanding of Campus Assault

Lior Krancer, Production Staff Member April 27, 2018

Editor’s Note: This article contains discussions of violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. April is Consent Month at Oberlin. The College puts in effort year-round to provide workshops and...

DeCafé Anti-Theft Rules Mirror Stop-and-Frisk Policies

Kameron Dunbar, Columnist April 20, 2018

In 2013, former United States District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York Shira Scheindlin ruled that New York City’s stop-and-frisk practice was unconstitutional. Specifically, she ruled...

Oberlin Should Focus on Sustainability in Future Legacy

Johan Cavert April 20, 2018

This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, student senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus and...

College Should Have Avoided Union Violations

Phyllis J. Jones April 20, 2018

To the Editors: Nearly 50 years ago, a group of Oberlin office and library workers showed the courage and foresight to organize a new labor union on campus, Oberlin College Office and Professional Employees,...

Senate Must Maintain Integrity of Social Media Presence

Devyn Malouf, Production Manager April 20, 2018

Oberlin Student Senate’s Instagram page (@oberlinsenate) is, overall, what you might expect of a college student governance group’s social media account; the page primarily features students’ accomplishments...

Student Activism Must Work Toward Solutions

Editorial Board April 20, 2018

After entering this academic year with significant under-enrollment contributing to a $5 million deficit, the Admissions Office has emphasized the importance of ensuring that Oberlin hits its enrollment...

Savior Endeavor Presents Inaccurate Interpretation of Christianity

Jason Arévalo April 20, 2018

I was walking by Peters Hall last Friday when I noticed an unfortunately familiar sight: a man standing upon a short ladder with a megaphone and a sign that proclaimed, “Our God is too holy to save an...

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