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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Oberlin community members gathered together last Thursday to inaugurate the new George A. Abram Pavilion on South Main Street. Speakers and family members at the memorial inauguration cut the ribbon together, signifying the opening of the renamed pavilion. Abram, who recently passed, made many lasting contributions to the town of Oberlin and the College. He established the Oberlin Chapter of the Boys & Girls Club, consulted with Oberlin College to create their Affirmative Action Plan, served as a longtime public-address announcer at College varsity sports games, and much more.

George A. Abram Memorial Pavilion Inauguration

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor September 13, 2019

College third-years Leo Ross and Bethany Gen.

Leo Ross and Bethany Gen, Queer Varsity Athletes

Jackie Brant and Jane Agler September 13, 2019

Varsity basketball player Leo Ross and varsity soccer player Bethany Gen, both College third-years, have been dating for the past ten months. The two athletes met while working as Preventing and Responding...

College junior Zoe Hecht

In The Locker Room with Zoe Hecht, Ultimate Frisbee Championship Player

Zoë Martin del Campo, Contributing Sports Editor September 6, 2019

Massachusetts native Zoe Hecht is a College junior, Geology major, and captain of the Division III National Championship-winning ultimate Frisbee team, the Preying Manti. When she is not leading...

Senior Trio Poised to Repeat as Conference Champions

Alexis Dill, Sports Editor September 6, 2019

As College seniors Shannon Wargo, Oona Jung-Beeman, and Marija Crook each accepted their “Most Outstanding First-Year” award at the end-of-the-season cross country banquet three years ago,...

In Time of Transition, Field Hockey Finds Best Start in Years

Alexis Dill, Sports Editor September 6, 2019

Behind a new coaching staff and 12 talented underclass students, the field hockey team is already having their best season since 2014 — and they’ve only played two games. With a 1–0 win...

New Albino Squirrel Mascot Unveiled

New Albino Squirrel Mascot Unveiled

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor September 6, 2019

This albino squirrel suit recently debuted as Oberlin’s new mascot. With its beady, red eyes and signature Birkenstocks, the mascot has been described as an embodiment of the Oberlin College...

Dave Zirin Provides Model for Sportswriters By Respecting Intelligence of Sports Fans

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor September 6, 2019

Dave Zirin, political sportswriter and editor for The Nation, spoke at my high school five or six years ago. Since his visit, I’ve found myself reflecting on his words from time to time, especially...

Preying Manti Win National Title

Preying Manti Win National Title

Alexis Dill, Sports Editor May 24, 2019

The Preying Manti, Oberlin’s women and trans Ultimate Frisbee team, won the 2019 national championship title in College Station, TX, with a 13–7 win over the No. 1-seeded Bates College on...

Reflections on Rejection, Soccer, and Life After Oberlin

Julie Schreiber, Sports Editor May 24, 2019

Earlier this year, I applied for a fellowship from the Watson Foundation, an institution that provides yearlong fellowship that gifts recent college graduates $30,000 to travel the world studying...

Jenna Gyimesi

In The Locker Room with Jenna Gyimesi, College Senior, Varsity Athlete, Columbia School of Journalism Graduate Student

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor May 10, 2019

College senior Jenna Gyimesi can be found on every corner of the campus. At the Review office, we know her best as our hardworking News Editor, but she is also a varsity field hockey player, an...

Inez James, a former Oberlin head volleyball coach, ran for Lorain City Council in this year’s primary election. Although she will not move onto the November election, she said the experience was a positive one.

Former Oberlin Varsity Volleyball Coach Runs for Lorain City Council

Alexis Dill, Sports Editor May 10, 2019

The primary election for at-large seats on Lorain City Council took place Tuesday, and although candidate and former Oberlin College Head Volleyball Coach Inez James was not one of the three candidates...

Caster Semenya Case Highlights Barriers Facing Intersex Athletes

Jane Agler and Olive Hwang May 10, 2019

Every year, there are several sporting events or stories that dominate social media platforms for a few days or, in some cases, weeks. This year, we’ve seen the internet flooded with news ranging...

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