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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Justin Bute (left) and Bennett Jackson

In The Locker Room with Bennett Jackson and Justin Bute

Sarena Malsin, Sports Editor September 18, 2015

This week, the Review sat down with sophomore defensive back Ben­nett Jackson and junior linebacker Justin Bute to discuss their first win on the new Dick Bailey Field, person­al pump-up routines and...

Leave Refs Alone

Randy Ollie, Sports Editor September 18, 2015

Anyone who has ever competed in a sporting event with a referee knows that bad officiating can greatly affect the outcome of the game. Admittedly, sometimes a referee’s in­competence can turn out in...

Sophomore forward Timothy Williams attempts a tackle at midfield against the Quakers of Earlham College. The men’s soccer team beat Earlham 4-1and is currently 4–2 this Season

Final Whistle Cuts Yeomen Comeback Short

Sarena Malsin, Sports Editor September 18, 2015

The men’s soccer team ended its three-game winning streak against the Grove City College Wolverines this Wednesday, suf­fering a 4–3 defeat in its oppo­nent’s hometown of Grove City, PA. Oberlin’s...

Oberlin Dominates at Kenyon Meet

Alejandro Wright September 18, 2015

The College’s cross country teams traveled to Gambier, Ohio, for the North Coast Athletic Conference Pre­view cross country meet last week­end. Both teams showed impressive performances on the course...

Yeomen Stave off Lords to Defend Home Turf

Yeomen Stave off Lords to Defend Home Turf

Darren Zaslau, Sports Editor September 18, 2015

Thundering cheers erupted from the home stands, drowning out the referee’s final whistle dur­ing Oberlin’s 28–24 tri­umph over Kenyon College Saturday night. In defeat­ing the Lords, the Yeomen...

Stevie Satisfies Appetites, Treats Ailments

Isabel Hulkower, Columnist September 18, 2015

Hello Oberlin, and welcome to a fresh new school year chock-full of delight and intrigue. We are currently in the ephemeral time where classes have started but it’s not yet so cold that the only option...

Sophomore tight end Matthew Bullock tackles The College at Brockport running back Ray Johnson. The Golden Eagles defeated the Yeomen 44–7 on Saturday.

Eagles Eclipse Yeomen in Opener

Darren Zaslau, Sports Editor September 11, 2015

The College at Brockport decisively de­feated Oberlin to open the Yeomen’s sea­son for the second year in a row, this time with a final score of 44–7. The Yeomen are still looking for their first...

Senior midfielder Ellie Huizenga dribbles toward Baldwin Wallace Defender Brianna Osborne. The Yeowomen tied the Yellow Jackets 1–1 on Tuesday.

Yeowomen Tie Home Opener 1–1

Sam Kreisberg September 11, 2015

The Oberlin women’s soc­cer team tied its home opener against Baldwin Wallace Univer­sity 1–1 on Tuesday night, mov­ing their record to 0–2–1 for the season. It was Oberlin sophomore midfielder...

Junior attacker and Review Business Manager Maureen Coffey dribbles toward a breakaway on Bailey Field. The Yeowomen fell to a late-game surge by the Denison University Big Red during their home opener on Wednesday, Sept. 9.

Big Red Surge Past Yeowomen in Second Half

Randy Ollie, Sports Editor September 11, 2015

Unable to counter a strong second-half surge by the Denison University Big Red, the field hockey team fell 6–1 at the Austin E. Knowlton Athletics Complex this past Wednesday. The loss puts the Yeowomen...

First-year keeper Koryn Kraemer (bottom) and first-year midfielder Trenton Bulucea

In the Locker Room with Koryn Kraemer and Trenton Bulucea

Scott Rivlin September 11, 2015

This week, the Review sat down with men’s soccer first-years Koryn Kraemer and Trenton Bulucea to discuss the Yeomen’s California ad­venture, their goals for the upcoming season and how it feels to...

Trauma Drama

Sarena Malsin, Sports Editor September 11, 2015

The best way I can de­scribe a seizure is to com­pare it to a dream where it is absolutely imperative that you move, but despite your most concentrated efforts, you realize with dawning terror and limit­ed...

Cool or Drool: NFL Offseason Goofs

Dan Bisno, Columnist September 11, 2015

It’s been a little over seven months since Super Bowl XLIX. America’s most watched sport has been on hiatus and, as always, the offseason has been filled with some of the juiciest sports stories of...

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