The Weekly
WOBC News is proud to present The Weekly. Our team leads a diverse array of campus journalists and other guests through illuminating discussions of campus issues and a broad range of other topics relevant to the Oberlin community.
The show was co-created by Johan Cavert ’20 and Daniel Markus ’19 in 2017. Season 2 featured producers Roman Broszkowski ’19 and Sarah Dalgleish ’19. The team expanded in Season 3 with the addition of Katie Lucey ’20, Anisa Curry-Vietze ’22, and Ella Murray ’20. Season 4 features Jaimie Yue ’22 and Owen Anderson ’23.
You can listen to The Weekly every Monday night (excluding breaks) at 1 p.m. on WOBC 91.5 FM in Lorain County, or stream at