The Performance and Improvisation Ensemble, or PI, is a uniquely collaborative ensemble that explores cross-cultural music. The ensemble engages...
Ian McEdwards, fourth-year Clarinet Performance major and Ohio Federation of Music Clubs Agnes Fowler Collegiate Scholar, is a dedicated proponent...
CORRECTION: In the article “Djembe Orchestra Highlights Connection with West African Dance” (The Oberlin Review, Sept. 20, 2024), the Review...
This semester, the Conservatory announced a new Bachelors of Music in Recording Arts and Production, spearheaded by Director of Conservatory...
This fall, the Conservatory welcomes guest conductor James Feddeck, OC ’05, back to the stage to conduct Oberlin’s orchestra, chamber orchestra,...
This semester marks the one-year anniversary of Afrikan Heritage House lunch no longer being served in Lord-Saunders Dining Hall. The decision...
The Performance and Improvisation Ensemble, or PI, is a uniquely collaborative ensemble that explores cross-cultural music. The ensemble engages...
Ian McEdwards, fourth-year Clarinet Performance major and Ohio Federation of Music Clubs Agnes Fowler Collegiate Scholar, is a dedicated proponent...
CORRECTION: In the article “Djembe Orchestra Highlights Connection with West African Dance” (The Oberlin Review, Sept. 20, 2024), the Review...
This semester, the Conservatory announced a new Bachelors of Music in Recording Arts and Production, spearheaded by Director of Conservatory...
This fall, the Conservatory welcomes guest conductor James Feddeck, OC ’05, back to the stage to conduct Oberlin’s orchestra, chamber orchestra,...
This semester marks the one-year anniversary of Afrikan Heritage House lunch no longer being served in Lord-Saunders Dining Hall. The decision...