Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Sydney Collinger

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor

Sydney Collinger is a first-year from St. Louis. She is currently undecided in her major/minor but isinterested in Comparative Literature and German. In her free time she enjoys watching movies, reading books, and taking trips to Trader Joe’s. 

All content by Sydney Collinger
BSAG, ABUSUA Block Party Connects College, Community

BSAG, ABUSUA Block Party Connects College, Community

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
May 12, 2024
Ellis Liebeskind-Blaufarb makes and sells jewelry.

Students Foster Self-Care Through Small Businesses

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
May 3, 2024
The LatinXcellence panel consisted of Oberlin professors.

LatinXcellence Panel Speaks at Cat in the Cream

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
April 5, 2024
Dr. LaWhore Vagistan performs at the Cat in the Cream.

Lessons In Drag Educates, Entertains Audience

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
March 15, 2024
Love in Many Tongues: Beauty in Translation was held at Slow Train Cafe.

Love in Many Tongues: Beauty in Translation

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
February 16, 2024
Jack-o’-lanterns are displayed on porches across town.

Obies Recount Trick-or-Treating Locally, Beyond

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
October 27, 2023
People observed the different vendors at the FAVA Art Fair.

FAVA Hosts First Annual Art Fair in Tappan Square

Sydney Collinger, Senior Staff Writer, Layout Editor
September 15, 2023
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