The Renaissance of Michael Cera
Michael Cera prances across our hearts.
Michael Cera is having a renaissance. While the breakout star of Arrested Development may have made his name as a gawky, loveable teenager, he has finally left his adolescent rom-com cocoon behind and blossomed into a soaring butterfly. While playing the awkward sweetheart has gotten him far — who doesn’t love Evan in Superbad — he hasn’t been very successful at making the leap to more adult, serious roles. Until now. While I’ve often dreamed of him accidentally punching me in the boob, it was always a very casual, fleeting attachment. It wasn’t until his most recent role in Hulu’s Life & Beth that I finally saw the light. Now I know for certain, I have a crush on Michael Cera.
If you were there for Molly’s Game and This Is the End, you’ll know that Cera’s star has not always shone in the right places. He lost his ability to play the boyish sidekick, running the risk of falling in with the likes of Frankie Muniz, Topher Grace, and even Taylor Lautner. My dear Michael nearly fell off the radar as he struggled to find a place in Hollywood that could accept his newfound manhood. However, in Life & Beth, Michael Cera has finally hit his stride. As a mysterious, blunt farmer with a sense of humor to match, Cera has reached his full potential. He has maximized his boyish charm while leaning into his firmly masculine essence, turning a corner that can only guide him to becoming the leading man he was meant to be. His devilish scruff and tousled locks have transformed him from a goofy has-been into, quite literally, the man of my dreams. Michael, I see you, I support you, I … love you?