Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Statement on Israel-Palestine at Oberlin

Photo by Erin Koo, Photo Editor
Students sit in Wilder Bowl.

I graduated from Oberlin in 1977 and I am concerned that the current students have lost their ability to use reason and logic.

Let’s get the basics out of the way… Israel, in 1948, stole Palestine from Palestinians by way of victory from then-occupying power, Great Britain. Since then, Israel has treated the entire country, even those areas occupied by Palestinians, as its own territory. And to be sure, Israel has treated individual Palestinians as subhuman, murdering uncounted numbers of Palestinians.

But let me be clear about something: “Israel” as a country does not have the agreement and active support of every Jew worldwide. Especially not those American Jews who attend American colleges and universities; they, like other college students, are intent upon their coursework, their grades, and their acquaintances and friends, just like other students, including Palestinians.

College students in general share primary concerns that have nothing to do with religion or country of origin. It is unity among all students which would result in real progress on any issue, not students blaming other students for those terrible transgressions actually committed by neither side.

Please, Oberlin students… join hands against all of the killing and hatred in the Middle East.  Oberlin is a place of love, of caring, and of solutions, rather than exacerbating hatred and killing.

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