Krislov Absent From Savage Audience

Ian Copeland

To the Editors:

I understand that President Krislov and other College dignitaries are burdened by fantastically busy schedules and, as a result, cannot be expected to attend the remarks of every guest invited to speak on campus. With that said, recent talks given by Ralph Nader and Karl Rove were both prefaced by presidential remarks in The Source while Krislov and other senior staff were conspicuously absent at the arguably more poignant and pertinent presentation by LGBT activist Dan Savage. All three speakers were invited by student-run groups that enjoy a comparable degree of autonomy from the college at large, and — while I doubt the President’s Office silence was an intentional snub to Savage — it would have been heartening to see his cause lent the credence that the likes of Nader and Rove officiously command with no questions asked.

-Ian Copeland
Double Degree 5th year