In the Locker Room with Sean Seaman, Mickey Fiorillo and Paul Paschke
Sean Seaman (left), Mickey Fiorillo and Paul Paschke
March 7, 2014
This week the Review sat down with men’s lacrosse seniors Paul Paschke and Mickey Fiorillo and junior Sean Seaman to discuss beating The College of Wooster, squash court locker rooms and their forgotten fourth housemate.
How is the season going so far?
Paul Paschke: Mickey, what’s our record?
Sean Seaman: Two and 0.
Mickey Fiorillo: Two and 0, whoo!
SS: I think we’re playing well. Last year we were a super young team, but this year we have more experience as a team and we’re already starting to get the hang of things.
What are your goals for this season?
PP: Make it to the North Coast Athletic Conference tournament and hopefully do really well at the tournament, and making the NCAA tournament is always the ultimate goal.
MF: Win the NCAC tournament. That has been our goal from day one. It’s funny because Noel [Myers] and I talked about it freshman year. We said, ‘Yeah, we’re going to get a conference championship,’ and that expectation was so high for the first three years. Now it’s something we can actually take care of.
SS: I can remember my fresh man year wanting to get conference championships and now the fact that this year it is actually realistic is amazing.
Who is your biggest rival in conference?
SS: Kenyon. My dad graduated from Kenyon and played lacrosse at Kenyon, and I want to beat his alma mater more than anything.
PP: I just don’t like them. I don’t like that school.
MF: I think the concept of a rivalry is funny because in order to have a rival, you need to beat a team once or twice, maybe three times, and we just are not there yet. I think the athletic department is changing a lot and that’s good. We’re bringing in a lot of coaches who know what they’re doing, especially our coaches. But, for me, anyone in the conference is fair game at this point. How do you distinguish who your rival is if you don’t win?
What is your most memo rable Oberlin lacrosse moment?
PP: Beating [The College of ] Wooster last year. It was our first conference win in about 20 years.
SS: I think beating Wooster was definitely a great moment.
MF: I think, honestly, it’s not a specific game or particular moment. Lacrosse is so much about doing all the little things right, and a couple of weeks ago our offense finally clicked, and it looked like how an offense on a good lacrosse team should look. That moment was just like, let’s go, we’re here, we have the talent, we have the potential, let’s do it.
How do you get all your cool swag?
SS: [Sophomore] Alex Wagman.
PP: We have a booster club where they have money from our parents, and they work directly with the players on our team to buy the best gear that our team would actually wear.
MF: I think it’s also important to note that there are a lot of people on the team that care about what image we give off, and that put a lot into designing our gear, and contacting sports reps, in order for our gear to come through. It ultimately comes from us — if we’re going to be good, let’s look good. Alex Wagman did a great job.
How do you feel about your makeshift locker rooms?
SS: I don’t mind it at all. The bathrooms are far away and there are no outlets, but other than that it’s OK.
PP: Yeah, there are no outlets to blast music.
MF: We understand that improvements are being made and, in all honesty, the squash court is probably bigger, dryer and probably more comfortable than our old locker room, so it doesn’t really matter.
PP: The only thing that is kind of annoying is when there are people playing racquetball in the courts next to us when our coach is trying to talk to us.
MF: I am sure it’s also weird for everyone else to see like 30 grown men in towels walking down the hallway.
How do you like living together?
MF: Well, we almost kicked Sean out of the house a couple of times.
PP: Sean’s loud.
SS: Living in this house is great. I get to live with three of my best friends before they graduate. It’s an unbelievable experience.
MF: It’s really great. We have a fourth housemate, but I can’t re member who it is. I got hit really hard on Saturday.
PP: It was Friday, Mickey.
MF: But we love our fourth housemate, whoever she is.