Review Security Notebook
April 25, 2014
Thursday, April 17
10:29 a.m. Custodial staff reported observing graffiti in the first floor restroom at Fairchild House. The graffiti appeared to be non-offensive and done in black marker. A work order was filed for removal.
11:18 a.m. Officers responded to assist with an ill student at Fairchild House. An ambulance was requested, and the student was transported to Mercy Allen Hospital for treatment.
3:23 p.m. Custodial staff reported a large hole in the northwest walkway of Harvey House. Officers responded to the area, which was then roped off and barricaded. The grounds crew responded to fill the hole until proper repair is made.
Friday, April 18
8:38 p.m. Officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Depart- ment responded to a fire alarm on the second floor of Firelands Apartments. Smoke from hot oil and excessive grease built up on the stove activated the alarm. Residents were advised not to cook until the stove is cleaned.
Saturday, April 19
12:38 a.m. Officers and members of the Oberlin Police Department responded to several noise complaints regarding a party on South Professor Street. By the time the officers arrived, the party was already shut down by hosts due to the large number of attendees.
9:06 p.m. Officers responded to a report of a damaged card swipe at East Hall. The card swipe was no longer attached to the building. A work order was filed.
Sunday, April 20
6:20 p.m. A student who reported that his brother had dislo- cated his shoulder while playing softball on the fields stopped an officer on patrol near the Grounds Shop. The student requested transportation to the hospital for his brother and himself. The two were brought to Mercy Allen Hospital for treatment.
7 p.m. Officers responded to a report of a smokers’ outpost smok- ing on the east side of Wilder Hall. The outpost was extinguished with water, and a work order was filed.
8:01 p.m. Officers and mem- bers of the Oberlin Fire Depart- ment responded to a fire alarm at South Hall. A strong odor of burnt marijuana was detected in a room on the first floor, along with the scent of an air freshener. The alarm was silenced and reset.
Monday, April 21
11:20 a.m. Officers received reports of a strong natural gas odor in the area of West Lorain Street. It was learned that the construction company working on the water line struck a gas line. The gas company was on site and repairs were made.
4 p.m. A student reported the theft of their clothing from the laundry area in South Hall. The items were in a blue recycling bag and were left in the laundry area on April 19 and found to be missing on April 21. Value of the missing cloth- ing was estimated at $150.
Tuesday, April 22
12:22 a.m. Officers responded to a report of several students on the roof of Dascomb Hall. Five students were located smoking and drinking beer. The beer was disposed of, and students were warned about being on the roof.