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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Gregory Kulacki, expert on China-U.S. relations.

Off the Cuff: Gregory Kulacki, Nuclear Weapon and Control Expert

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief October 7, 2016

Gregory Kulacki specializes in cross-cultural communication between the United States and China. He has been working for the Union of Concerned Scientists since 2002, promoting dialogue amongst experts...

Security Report

October 7, 2016

Thursday, Sept. 29 
12:34 p.m. Safety and Security officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm, set off by smoke from burnt food, in the third-floor kitchenette of...

City Council listens to a resident share thoughts on the new council manual on Monday. Council hopes the manual will
help orient new members and remind all members to remain constructive.

City Council Approves New Member Manual

Eliza Guinn, Copy Editor October 7, 2016

After two years of discord, City Council approved an orientation manual to help new members and promote a cooperative environment at their meeting Monday. The manual covers the basics of Oberlin’s...

A visitor at The Hotel at Oberlin strolls past the bar. While construction continues on portions of the Peter B. Lewis Gateway Center, the hotel will host its first large conference Oct. 6–8 with participation from Arnold Schwarzenegger and famous environmentalist Bill McKibben.

Climate Conference Draws Leading Activists

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief September 30, 2016

Some of the biggest names in environmentalism will come to town for The Hotel at Oberlin's first major event this week. In response to growing national awareness and urgency about climate change, the...

Alumni Influenced Governance Process, Karega Says

Eliza Guinn, Copy Editor September 30, 2016

Breaking nearly two months of silence, Professor of Composition and Rhetoric Joy Karega returned to campus for a student-organized meeting in Afrikan Heritage House Wednesday night. Karega told those...

One of the Oberlin school district's four schools, Langston Middle School, sits on North Pleasant Street. The district is considering a variety of plans to consolidate space, as the current facilities are far larger than the district requires.

City’s School Board to Consider Consolidation

Jack Brewster September 30, 2016

The City’s public schools are all over 50-years old and in substantial need of repair, forcing the Oberlin Public School board to consider a multitude of plans to revamp the run-down buildings,...

Local Officer Cleared of Charges

Louis Krauss, News Editor September 30, 2016

Oberlin Police Chief Juan Torres said he would not pursue further action in response to a report of local police harassment. City residents Monique Brooks-Cochran and her fiancé Arvis Townsend, who are...

A student walks into a bathroom in the Science Center. Students have recently questioned the lack of gender-neutral restrooms in academic buildings.

Students Advocate for More Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief September 30, 2016

When Conservatory students William Adams and Zoe Cutler brought up the lack of gender-neutral bathrooms in the Conservatory last year to Title IX coordinators, the initial feedback gave them hope. Administrators...

Cindy Frantz, Psychology professor

Off the Cuff: Cindy Frantz, Psychology Professor

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief September 30, 2016

Cindy Frantz is a Psychology professor who studies social psychology with an emphasis on bias and discrimination. Frantz teaches classes about implicit bias and ran a workshop with faculty and staff on...

College junior Matthew Kornberg raises their hand at last night's Oberlin ACF anti-Semitism symposium at The Hotel at Oberlin. Student Senate released a letter condemning the group earlier in the week.

Student Senate Letter Admonishes ACF

Louis Krauss, News Editor September 23, 2016

Igniting conflict with Oberlin Alums for Campus Fairness, which has repeatedly denounced Professor of Rhetoric and Composition Joy Karega for what it considers to be anti-Semitic Facebook posts, Student...

Construction continues on the “Oberlin Center for Convergence.” The administration plans to host a new form of multi-disciplinary
courses in the building next fall.

Course Clusters Program to Begin Next Fall

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief September 23, 2016

The College plans to incorporate a new concept of course clusters next fall that will allow students to register for a new kind of multidisciplinary courseload. The extension of the Peter B. Lewis Gateway...

The water tower looms over the Laundramat on East Lorain Street. City Council voted to rezone both properties this week.

Residents Rally to Reverse City’s Zoning Approval

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief September 23, 2016

Thanks to a group of longtime city activists, Oberlin voters will decide the fate of O’Reilly Auto Parts’ Oberlin location next November. The nationwide chain applied to rezone the parcel, located...

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