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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

CDS and Students Discuss Cultural Appropriation

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief December 4, 2015

Following claims of Campus Dining Services appropriating traditional Asian dishes, representatives from the South Asian, Vietnamese and Chinese student associations met with CDS to discuss students’...

Oberlin Man Murdered in Apartment

Oberlin Man Murdered in Apartment

Xiaoqian Zhu December 4, 2015

Twenty-four-year-old Steven L. Davis was found shot to death in his apartment last Tuesday, Nov. 24 — the first murder in Oberlin since a 1999 stabbing. Oberlin Police Department officers received a...

Students Ticketed by State Police at ’Sco

Louis Krauss, News Editor November 20, 2015

College sophomore Alizah Simon unsuspectingly encountered undercover state police officers outside the ’Sco on Friday night. For carrying a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, Simon was confronted and ticketed by...

College sophomore Carlos Armstrong smokes a cigarette in Tappan Square. The public park will become a designated smoking area for students after the College implements the tobacco-free policy on July 1, 2016.

Tobacco Ban Enforcement Remains Unclear

Jake Berstein November 20, 2015

As the College inches closer to July 1, 2016, the day the tobacco ban goes into effect, it remains unclear how the ban will play out in practice. “Exactly how the ban will be enforced is extremely...

Tamika Nunley, assistant professor of History

Off the Cuff: Tamika Nunley, Assistant Professor of History

Tyler Sloan, Editor in Chief November 20, 2015

Tamika Nunley is an assistant professor of history who specializes in the Civil War era, specifically surrounding issues of race, gender and slavery. Nunley joined the faculty this fall after receiving...

Council Delays REC Discussion Until Late December

Oliver Bok and Tyler Sloan November 20, 2015

Oberlin’s City Council decided to table the issue of how to allocate $800,000 in Renewable Energy Credits until late December following weeks of tense debate. At Council’s weekly meeting on Monday,...

Students and faculty members discuss the most recent draft of the Board of Trustees’ Strategic Plan at a listening session on Monday. Students expressed concern over the Strategic Plan’s language, which they called ambiguous and unpromising.

Community Calls for More Details in Strategic Plan

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief November 20, 2015

Almost all the students at the listening session on Monday had the same overarching question in reaction to the Strategic Plan draft: Where are the specifics? “This whole document doesn’t say anything;...

Community Funds Scholarship for Undocumented Students

Leila Miller November 20, 2015

After sustained student activism, the College is beginning to develop resources for undocumented students, who often face financial and emotional strain and require more institutional support than those...

Review Security Notebook

November 20, 2015

Friday, Nov. 13 2:09 a.m. Safety and Security officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at Warner Center. The detector sounded because it was dirty and an electrician...

Feature Photo: Fight for $15

Feature Photo: Fight for $15

Xiaoqian Zhu November 13, 2015

Students protest outside City Hall on Tuesday to call for a minimum wage hike to $15 an hour and protection of the right to unionize. The protesters stood in solidarity with demonstrators throughout...

Students, Communities Protest Proposed Pipeline

Eliza Guinn, Copy Editor November 13, 2015

The fight to stop the NEXUS pipeline continues, as Communities for Safe and Sustainable Energy and Students for Energy Justice join forces with landowners along the route of the proposed pipeline to prevent...

Review Security Notebook

November 13, 2015

Thursday, Nov. 5 1:35 a.m. Officers responded to an activated roof alarm at Mudd library, where they found the main stairwell door ajar and the roof hatch open. No one was observed in the area. The...

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