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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

An employee makes a roll at Dascomb Dining Hall’s sushi bar. Many international students have cited Campus Dining Services’ cuisine as culturally

CDS Appropriates Asian Dishes, Students Say

Clover Linh Tran November 6, 2015

Diep Nguyen, a College first-year from Vietnam, jumped with excitement at the sight of Vietnamese food on Stevenson Dining Hall’s menu at Orientation this year. Craving Vietnamese comfort food, Nguyen...

Board Rejects Student Divestment Proposals

Louis Krauss, News Editor October 30, 2015

The Board of Trustees told Oberlin Fossil Fuel Divestment and Students for a Free Palestine that it will not implement their proposals to reduce or halt College investments in controversial companies. Board...

Group Releases Strategic Plan Draft

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief October 30, 2015

Smaller tuition increases, a new program strengthening student-alumni relationships and inter-departmental courses — the new draft of the Strategic Plan contains all of those components in its vision...

Local News Bulletin

October 30, 2015

News briefs from the past week Time for Track or Treat The Oberlin College Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and Oberlin City School District will hold the third annual Track or Treat event at the...

City Council candidates address a crowd of over 100 people at the Oberlin Community Candidates Night at First Church in
Oberlin. Fourteen candidates are competing for the seven available seats on the City Council.

Candidates Address City Council Priorities

Tyler Sloan, Editor in Chief October 30, 2015

City Council candidates crammed onto a small stage to field questions at the Oberlin Community Candidates Night at the First Church in Oberlin last Monday. Fourteen contenders addressed the most pressing...

Six speakers discuss the pros and cons of Issue 2 and Issue 3 at a panel in Craig Lecture Hall last Tuesday. The two ballot initiatives
are highly controversial, as Issue 2 could nullify Issue 3 if they both pass this Election Day.

Ballot Initiatives Clash as Marijuana Legalization Faces Issue 2 Hurdle

Jack Rockwell October 30, 2015

A ballot initiative that virtually bans monopolies could potentially neutralize Issue 3, the marijuana legalization initiative, if both amendments are approved on Election Day this Tuesday. Many argue...

Review Security Notebook

October 30, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 22 8:27 p.m. Student staff requested that officers pick up three bottles of wine found in the second floor kitchenette of Asia House. The wine was transported to the Security Office, where...

Sonia Shah, science journalist and author of Pandemic: Tracking Contagions from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond

Off the Cuff: Sonia Shah, Investigative Reporter and Science Journalist

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief October 30, 2015

Sonia Shah, OC ’90, is the author of several books, including The Body Hunters: Testing New Drugs on the World’s Poorest Patients, a 2006 exposé on how the pharmaceutical industry uses patients from...

International Students Call for More Support

Xiaoqian Zhu October 30, 2015

A group of international students presented proposals regarding the perceived lack of cultural, academic and career support for international students at the Board of Trustees forum on Thursday, Oct. 8....

Students at Third World Co-op eat lunch on Thursday. The co-op has served as a safe space for marginalized students for more than 20 years.

Third World Co-op: 21 Years of Solidarity

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief October 9, 2015

The Oberlin Alumni Association of African Ancestry commemorated the 180th anniversary of Oberlin’s decision to adopt a non-discriminatory admissions policy for African American students and other people...

Students Seek Transparency at Trustee Forum

Tyler Sloan, Editor in Chief October 9, 2015

The Board of Trustees scattered among five classrooms in King Hall for its first student forum of the school year last Thursday. Despite the fragmented format, students voiced unified concerns regarding...

Senate Assures Free Fall Break Meals for Students

Eliza Guinn, Copy Editor October 9, 2015

Though the funding previously reserved for providing free meals to students during school breaks has been cut this semester, the program will go ahead as planned by the Office of Community and Government...

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