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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Issue 1 Tackles Ohio Gerrymandering

Haley Johnson October 9, 2015

This Election Day’s ballot only includes three issues, but all of them have the potential to significantly alter Ohio. Aside from potentially legalizing marijuana and halting market monopolies, voters...

Faculty Weigh Revisions to Advising System

Jack Rockwell October 9, 2015

The Faculty Advising Committee is currently in the early stages of reviewing the student advising system, a process that may lead to greater adviser involvement. The committee is arranging focus groups...

Marcus Rediker, professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh

Off the Cuff: Marcus Rediker, author of Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief October 9, 2015

Marcus Rediker is a professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh and an author of many books relating to maritime history, including Villains of All Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age...

Feature Photo: Green Rush Hits Oberlin

Feature Photo: Green Rush Hits Oberlin

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief October 9, 2015

ResponsibleOhio spokesperson Michael McGovern speaks with Oberlin residents as part of the Green Rush Bus Tour to garner support for Issue 3, the ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana in Ohio...

Oberlin Least Financially Accessible Among Peers

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief October 9, 2015

A recent analysis by The New York Times ranked Oberlin the least financially accessible among its 16 peer schools and 132nd overall. The Sept. 16 article, “Top Colleges Doing the Most for Low-Income...

Review Security Notebook

October 9, 2015

Thursday, Oct. 1 5:53 p.m. Facilities staff reported the theft of copper piping from a College-owned house on East Lorain Street. Members of the Oberlin Police Department also responded. 8:15 p.m....

Construction continues at the site of the new Peter B. Lewis Gateway Center downtown. The site has been a recent
source of contention with the potential loss of on-street parking spaces.

Business Owners Battle Loss of Downtown Parking

Kerensa Loadholt October 2, 2015

As construction on the Peter B. Lewis Gateway Center makes daily progress, downtown business owners are growing increasingly concerned about the lack of street parking in the new building’s plans. The...

Review Security Notebook

October 2, 2015

Friday, Sept. 25 5:45 p.m. Officers and the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at the Union Street Housing Complex. An electric pan cooking muffins activated the alarm, which was silenced...

Office of Safety and Security Assistant Director Clifton Barnes (left), Campus Security Officer Bruce Wohleber and Director of Safety and Security Marjorie Burton convene for a meeting. The Presidential Working Group for Campus Security recently submitted recommendations to the office in an attempt to improve the
relationship between students and Safety and Security officers.

Working Group Submits Safety and Security Recommendations

Katherine Kingma, Staff Writer October 2, 2015

The Presidential Working Group for Campus Security has submitted recommendations to improve the relationship between Safety and Security and the rest of the Oberlin College community. College President...

Douglas Rohde, forensic scientist at the Lake County Crime Lab

Off the Cuff: Douglas Rohde, forensic scientist

Tyler Sloan, Editor in Chief October 2, 2015

Douglas Rohde is the supervisor of chemistry and toxicology at the Lake County Crime Lab. He delivered two lectures on a campus visit Wednesday about his experience in the field and generational differences...

Trustees to Reduce Endowment Payout, Student Senators Say

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief October 2, 2015

The Board of Trustees will meet at the College next weekend, and according to Student Senate Liaisons Megs Bautista and Jeremy Poe, they appear set to lower the endowment payout, an action that could have...

Oberlin PD Restructures Force

Louis Krauss, News Editor October 2, 2015

City Council unanimously approved the Oberlin Police Department’s plans to restructure its format by increasing the number of sergeants and reducing the number of lieutenants last Monday. The revision...

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