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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College senior Zachery Crowell (center) and student senators discuss the tuition freeze. Senators passed a resolution supporting the protests but have disagreed about the most effective way to support financial accessibility.

Senate Endorses Financial Accessibility

Elizabeth Dobbins, News Editor May 8, 2015

Student Senate passed a resolution supporting the tuition protests and recent action around financial accessibility during plenary last Sunday. This resolution was passed a week after tuition activists...

Committee Reviews Campus Safety Policies

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief May 8, 2015

The presidential working group on Safety and Security recently sent students a survey asking for their experiences with and perceptions of Safety and Security. The working group is currently gathering...

Steering Committee Releases Preliminary Report

Sarah Conner, Staff Writer May 8, 2015

Students on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee held meetings on Wednesday and Thursday to hear from students about what direction the College should head toward when formulating the Strategic Plan,...

A group of students in favor of divesting the College from fossil fuels march in the Big Parade on Saturday, May 2. Students have submitted a divestment proposal to the Board of Trustees.

Students Lobby Trustees for Fossil Fuel Divestment

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief May 8, 2015

A group of five students — College sophomore Ellie Lezak, double-degree sophomore Hayden Arp, College sophomore Jasper Clarkberg, College first-year Naomi Roswell and College senior Stephen Lezak —...

Student Health Implements Saturday Hours

Molly Brand, Staff Writer May 8, 2015

Student Health Services will now be open on Saturdays in addition to its normal Monday to Friday hours. The first Saturday hours were held May 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and the pilot program will continue...

Review Security Notebook

May 8, 2015

Thursday, April 30 6:41 a.m. A custodial staff member reported vandalism to the Langston Hall sign north of the dorm. At the time of the report, the sign had only one vertical post with the address....

Wang Yongchen, environmental activist and reporter, who gave a talk on Tuesday

Off the Cuff: Wang Yongchen, Chinese environmental activist and reporter

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief May 8, 2015

Wang Yongchen is the founder and president of the environmental NGO Green Earth Volunteers and the Senior Environmental Reporter for China National Radio. Wang hosted two pioneering radio programs on environmental...

Gabe Schivone, who is the co-coordinator of UNIDOS ethnic studies youth group and volunteer at No Más Muertes/No More Deaths

Off the Cuff: Gabe Schivone, co-coordinator of UNIDOS youth group and volunteer at No Más Muertes/No More Deaths

Elizabeth Dobbins, News Editor May 1, 2015

Gabe Schivone is a U.S.-Mexico border activist, volunteer at No Más Muertes/No More Deaths and co-coordinator of UNIDOS ethnic studies youth group in Tucson, AZ. He has written articles for The Huffington...

Protesters call for financial accessibility as they march across Wilder Bowl. The College declined the students’ request for a tuition freeze.

Students Meet with Frandsen After Protests

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief May 1, 2015

After students protested against the four percent tuition hike last Friday, 10 students, including members of Student Senate, met with Dean of Students Eric Estes and Vice President of Finance and Administration...

Students to Give Feedback on Blackboard, Other Technologies

Elizabeth Dobbins, News Editor May 1, 2015

After finals end and students move out, most activities on campus will shut down, but efforts to evaluate and expand the ways technology is used in the classroom will be powering on. On May 27, Oberlin...

ASA Organizes Fundraiser for Yakubu Saaka Fund

Xiaoqian Zhu May 1, 2015

The African Student Association held its annual banquet on April 18, the fourth fundraising event this year for the Yakubu Saaka Scholarship Fund. The ASA is attempting to raise $50,000 for the fund by...

College junior Dyaami D’Orazio discusses her thoughts on the allocation of the new Student Support Initiative Fund. The fund has over $700,000 for students of color and disabled, low-income or at-risk students.

Senate Forum Focuses on New Student Support Fund

Elizabeth Dobbins, News Editor May 1, 2015

Students discussed the allocation of the Student Support Initiatives Fund during a Student Senate-led forum on Tuesday evening. Board of Trustees Chair Clyde McGregor donated $500,000 to create the fund...

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