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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Community member Ruy Lopez disposes of his recycling in a bin behind City Hall. Oberlin’s municipal recycling pickup services halted after a fire in February destroyed the city’s garbage and recycling trucks.

Oberlin Recycling Pickup Set to Return in October

Sarah Chatta September 12, 2014

The city of Oberlin estimates municipal recycling pickup services will resume by the middle of October, returning after last February’s garage fire destroyed all six of Oberlin’s garbage and...

Review Security Notebook

May 9, 2014

Thursday, May 1 10:10 p.m. A student reported the theft of a backpack from a study carrel in Mudd Library. The backpack was later located by of- ficers under a different carrel in Mudd. The backpack was...

New Coalition Aims to Revitalize Local Economy

Emma Paul May 9, 2014

Since its founding last year, the Oberlin Community Benefits Coalition has pursued involvement in the construction of a new Oberlin public school for grades K-12. At a school board meeting on April 22,...

Hannah Scharlin-Petee and Lonnie Bass, Slow Train workers

Off the Cuff: Hannah S-P and Lonnie Bass, Slow Train baristas

Kate Gill, News editor May 9, 2014

College senior Lonnie Bass and Hannah Scharlin-Pettee OC ’13 are baristas at the Slow Train Café. Bass has been a barista for two years, while Scharlin-Peettee began brewing this past fall. Bass and...

College senior Mac Muir meets with fellow students in order to discuss objectives of his new organization, Oberlin Peer Advocates. The organization will work to pair students in need of support with peer student advocates.

Judicial Advocacy Group Offers Peer-to-Peer Legal Support

Julia Herbst, Editor-in-Chief May 9, 2014

When Helen Lai received a judicial letter from ResEd after failing a life safety inspection, she turned to fellow College senior Mac Muir for advice. “Honestly, I don’t know what I would have done...

Conservatory Council Restarted After a Decade, Student Officers Announced

Kristopher Fraser, Staff Writer May 9, 2014

The Conservatory announced the results of the election for the newly revived Council of Students on Friday morning. Just over 41 percent of Conservatory and Musical Studies students voted to elect double-degree...

Voters converge outside of Philips gym to campaign for Janet Garret, a write-in candidate from Oberlin who ran for U.S. Congress in the Ohio primary election on Tuesday. Some other ballot features included Issue 22, Issue 11 and
the Democratic and Republican primaries.

Primary Voters Approve Tax Hike

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer May 9, 2014

Despite a turnout rate that many officials are referring to as “abysmal,” Lorain County residents convened at the polls this Tuesday to cast their votes in the Ohio primary. Ballot features included...

Athletics Department Adopts New Trans* Policy

Kristopher Fraser, Staff Writer May 2, 2014

Oberlin’s Transgender Participatory Advisory Commit- tee has drafted a new set of athletic guidelines that requires inclusion and improved conditions for current and future trans* athletes. In late...

College senior Emma Fox and community member Curtis McCartney collaborate on a Magic School Bus float for this weekend’s Big Parade. The Parade, which was established in 2002, is scheduled for tomorrow.

Town, Gown Gear Up for Tomorrow’s Big Parade

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer May 2, 2014

For one weekend each year, students, faculty and community members convene to celebrate warm weather, good company and the town of Oberlin. This Saturday marks the 12th year of Oberlin’s Big Parade,...

Senate Urges Admin to Adopt Ban

Madeline Peltz May 2, 2014

Student Senate passed a proposal on Sunday, urging the administration to ban the consumption of smokable tobacco products on campus. The general faculty will vote on the policy’s implementation and structure...

Campus Debates Toxicity

May 2, 2014

This past week, controversy surrounding Solarity’s upcoming event, Toxicity, has surfaced on campus and social media. The criticism is largely directed at the event’s name, which many students claim...

Frank Schaefer, who spoke at First Methodist Church on Thursday

Off the Cuff: Frank Schaefer, former United Methodist pastor and LGBTQ advocate

Kate Gill, News editor May 2, 2014

Frank Schaefer is a former United Methodist pastor from Lebanon, PA. After performing the marriage ceremony for his gay son in 2006, Schaefer was stripped of his credentials and excommunicated from his...

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