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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Fate of Johnson House Barn Remains Unclear

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer September 13, 2013

The future of the Johnson House Carriage Barn, the wooden structure behind Johnson House and next to the Arboretum, remains in limbo. The current discussion over the barn was prompted by the plans to demolish...

Ace Hardware Opens at 297 South Main Street

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer September 6, 2013

When Walmart opened on the outskirts of Oberlin in 2006, Ben Franklin saw a drop in business, a drop some fear Watson Hardware will also experience in wake of the recent arrival of Ace Hardware on 297...

New Trespass Policy Alleviates Community Concerns

Madeline Stocker, News Editor September 6, 2013

The College’s revisions to the No Trespass policy will be instated this semester after months of planning and research on the part of students, community members, alumni and College administration. It...

Off the Cuff: Joyce Babyak, acting dean of the College

Nora Kipnis September 6, 2013

What do you most hope to accomplish as the acting dean of Arts and Sciences? How long will you have to do it? The position lasts until there is a new dean in place, so there will be a dean appointed...

Oberlin Public School Expands Campus

Kristopher Fraser September 6, 2013

The Oberlin Public School System recently decided to expand its facilities. OPS is seeking land currently owned by the College in order to add four more buildings to the Oberlin High School. The nine-acre...

Potential Pipeline Promises Economic Growth Amid Environmental Concerns

Rachel Weinstein September 6, 2013

College and community members face environmental risks as plans of hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, continue to move forward. For over a year, talk of a 250-mile natural gas pipeline between...

North Coast Toast Truck Opens for Business

Madeline Stocker, News Editor September 6, 2013

A locally owned food truck is taking root in Oberlin this semester, providing college and community members with a quick and easy means to grab a meal on the go. The truck, dubbed “North Coast Toast,”...

New Oberlin Book Co-op Achieves Success

September 6, 2013

The Oberlin Book Co-op, which launched its first trade program near the end of last semester, continues to catch the eyes of students who are tired of paying extortionate textbook fees. Tucked away in...

Ninde Scholars Program Continues Summer Enrichment

Matan Zeimer May 10, 2013

The Ninde Scholars Program, which was founded in 2003, is a partnership among Oberlin College, the Oberlin City Schools and the Lorain County Urban League. The program aims primarily to provide college...

Student Proposals Presented: Moving Forward

Madeline Stocker, Staff Writer May 10, 2013

After the formal presentation of student proposals that took place April 28, a question and answer section followed in which members of the audience had a chance to voice questions and concerns to the...

Sexual Offense Policy Task Force Lays Out Guidelines for Reforming Policy in Fall

Adiel Kaplan, Staff Writer May 10, 2013

The Sexual Offense Policy task Force announced plans to revise Oberlin College’s Sexual Offense Policy this fall. The announcement came at an All Campus Discussion held Wednesday at noon. This was...

Off the Cuff with Graphic Designer Emily Crawford, OC ’92

Julia Herbst, News Editor May 10, 2013

What kinds of graphic design are you involved with here? I am kind of in charge of the look and feel of all of the printed material that Oberlin College puts out. So the big ones would be the Alumni...

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