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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Student Senate Liaison Resigns Amid Compensation Controversy

Rosemary Boeglin, News Editor May 10, 2013

Student Senate officially announced the resignation of Liaison Eliza Diop, College junior and senior class vice president-elect, on Sunday after weeks of investigation and discussion regarding a series...

Divestment passes in Senate

Kate Gill May 10, 2013

Student Senate passed a resolution on Sunday, May 6, urging the College to divest from companies that support the Israeli occupation of Palestine, financially and otherwise. This resolution, penned by...

Seniors Finish Honors Presentations

Victor Zheng May 10, 2013

Presentations are underway for seniors in Honors Programs. The presentations are an opportunity for students to showcase their skill in the form of a research project of their own design. Honors students...

Security Report: May 2 – May 7, 2013

Staff May 10, 2013

Thursday, May 2  7:27 p.m. A student requested assistance in lighting the pilot light on the stove in the Harkness House kitchen. A member of the Facilities Operation staff responded and reported that...

Potential Renovation of Johnson House Carriage Barn Surfaces

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer May 10, 2013

The future of the Johnson House Carriage Barn, the wooden structure behind Johnson House and next to the Arboretum, remains in limbo. The current discussion over the barn was prompted by the plans to demolish...

Working Groups Present Proposals, Again

Madeline Stocker, Staff Writer May 3, 2013

Oberlin community members gathered at Wilder Hall last Sunday, April 28, for a presentation of proposals from six different student working groups. The groups, which represented the Conservatory, the Natural...

After 14 Years, Oberlin Gets Another Book Co-op

Duncan Standish, Staff Writer May 3, 2013

A new book-focused cooperative, the first of its kind since the Co-op Book Store closed in 1999, is set to launch this week. Its first event — Beerz4Books, where students can trade textbooks for beer...

Inaugural Lab Crawl Showcases Science Center Labs

Victor Zheng May 3, 2013

The inaugural Lab Crawl took place today in the Science Center, intending to showcase the best of the science departments. Lab Crawl was instituted as a means to show the science building to anyone...

Security Report: April 25 – May 1, 2013

Staff May 3, 2013

Friday, April 26  10:52 a.m. Officers responded to a report of a suspicious person in the men’s restroom at Hales Gym. The man, who was not a student, said he was waiting for an appointment at the...

Murray Ridge Calls for Tax Levy to Continue Services

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer May 3, 2013

The 2013 primary election for Lorain County will be held on Tuesday, May 7. Issue 1, if passed, would continue a property tax that covers 24 percent of Murray Ridge Center’s funding. Murray Ridge Center,...

Kasper Celebrates 50 Years Teaching At Oberlin

Julia Herbst, News Editor May 3, 2013

What is it like to have taught at Oberlin for 50 years? It’s quite an accomplishment.  Well I don’t regard it as an accomplishment. It’s just one day after the next, and I’ve been away on sabbaticals...

Potential Class Trustees Emerge as Senior Class Council Solidifies

Duncan Standish, Staff Writer April 26, 2013

This year’s class trustee election has entered its final phase, just as the senior class council elections have ended. College seniors Joe Condon and Abbas Mohsin are the remaining candidates for the...

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