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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Board of Trustees Attempts to Increase Student-Faculty Communication on Financial Decisions

April 17, 2013

The Board of Trustees, comprised of 34 members, is responsible for the College’s long-term investments and financial stability. The class trustees and other members of the Board are required to come...

Students Present Proposals for Institutional Change to Administration

Rosemary Boeglin, News Editor April 12, 2013

Students calling for institutional change with an eye toward social justice, diversity and inclusion presented their proposals to the administration on Friday, April 5 and to students and the public two...

Off the Cuff: Ron Paul, Libertarian and Former Presidential Candidate

Julia Herbst and Rosemary Boeglin April 12, 2013

You recently announced on your Twitter that you’re going to have a homeschooling curriculum geared at K–12 students. You said on the website that the second phase of ‘the Revolution’ should be...

Science Majors Take Issue with New Credit System

Duncan Standish, Staff Writer April 12, 2013

Beginning next semester, Oberlin will institute a new credit system which aims to streamline credit values by designating courses either “full” or “half” credit. Though administrators say the changes...

Security Report: April 4 – April 10, 2013

Staff April 12, 2013

Thursday, April 4 4:03 p.m. A student reported the theft of approximately $120 from her wallet while she was working at the Dascomb Hall kitchen. The wallet was in a backpack that she placed in the...

Reporter Relays Experience with Fracking Industry

Madeline Stocker April 12, 2013

Concerned students, professors and numerous community members gathered Monday, April 8, to hear Tim Wilber’s lecture on high-volume hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking. Wilber, author and...

Ron Paul Promotes Libertarian Ideals

Julia Herbst, News Editor April 12, 2013

Ron Paul, former Congressman and three-time presidential candidate, spoke to a packed house in Finney Chapel on Sunday night, the first of two speakers hosted this week by the Oberlin College Republicans...

Decatur and Stull Leave Administration

Rosemary Boeglin and Julia Herbst April 5, 2013

In late March, the College announced that both Sean Decatur, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and David H. Stull, dean of the Conservatory of Music, will leave Oberlin to accept posts as president...

Security Report: March 28 – April 3, 2013

Staff April 5, 2013

Friday, March 29 7:52 a.m. A member of the custodial staff reported a suspicious individual looking into vehicles in the Conservatory parking lot. The individual was described as being a 40- to 45-year-old...

College to Institute New Health Services Fee

Elizabeth Dobbins, Staff Writer April 5, 2013

Dean of Students Eric Estes met with Student Senate last month to announce the institution of a $200 health services fee to be introduced next school year. The funds will go toward hiring an additional...

Off the Cuff: Dr. Lisa Randall, Physicist

William Passannante, Staff Writer April 5, 2013

In your presentation, you said that you wrote a “physics opera.” Can you talk a little more about that? I actually wrote the libretto and sort of helped design the story. I worked pretty closely...

OPIRG Organizes Hunger Cleanup in Oberlin

Elizabeth Kuhr, Staff Writer April 5, 2013

As a part of a larger U.S. Public Interest Research Group movement, the OhioPIRG Homelessness and Hunger Campaign at Oberlin College has mobilized a local Hunger Clean-up. The six students are currently...

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