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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Off the Cuff with Bob Drogin

Liv Combe, Editor-in-Chief October 14, 2011

What was it like working [as managing editor] at the Review back in the 70s? I only worked there the last year and a half while I was at Oberlin, and I fell into it sort of by accident. It changed...

Politician John Lawrence Lifts D.C. Curtain

Rosemary Boeglin, News Editor October 14, 2011

John Lawrence, OC ’70 and chief of staff to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, is coming to speak at Oberlin on Monday. Hosted by the Oberlin Initiative in Electoral Politics and the Alumni Association,...

Mexican Rights Advocate to Speak on Abandoned Communities

Robin Wasserman October 14, 2011

Jaqueline García Salamanca, advocate for Mexican rights, will lead a discussion next Thursday, Oct. 20, covering what some see as the often overlooked side of migration issues: the communities that immigrants...

Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, expressed doubts about how the recent civil uprisings in the Middle East will provide positive, enduring change for the region.

CFR President Haass Predicts Gloomy Future for Middle East

Claire Read October 14, 2011

Richard Haass, OC ’73 and president of the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate U.S. citizens about international politics, visited Oberlin last Thursday to share...

Former Mayor of Juárez returns to Oberlin, Inspires Debate

Julia Herbst October 14, 2011

Members of the Oberlin community flocked to Craig Lecture Hall last Sunday to hear José Reyes Ferriz, mayor of Ciudad Juárez from 2007 to 2010, speak about U.S. Mexico relations and the 2012 elections. According...

Building Bikes, Building Community

Kate Melanson October 7, 2011

Bicycles were fixed, registered, ridden and won at the first annual Lorain County Bike Festival last Saturday in Oberlin’s Depot Park. The date was chosen to mark’s Moving Planet Day, on which...

Be the Change CEO Kevin Jennings Does More Than Inspire

Nancy Roane, Staff Writer October 7, 2011

On Tuesday night in West Lecture Hall, CEO Kevin Jennings, of nonprofit political organizing group Be The Change did not just inspire students to become activists — he analyzed what makes a good activist....

Feve bartenders Josh Wilson and Tyler Horstman act casual in front of the only real bar in Oberlin.

Off The Cuff with Feve Bartenders

Allegra Kirkland and Rosemary Boeglin October 7, 2011

How did you guys start working here? Were you students at the College? Josh: I grew up around here, in this town outside Vermilion, but I started hanging out in Oberlin when I was in high school because...

Oberlin After Dark

Erica Reyes, Staff Writer October 7, 2011

Mudd Circulation Desk: An interview with College junior Piper Stull-Lane How do you stay awake? Well, usually when I work a shift in the evening, I schedule it so that it’s directly after a late...

Ira Glass Waxes Poetic About Storytelling

Liv Combe, Editor-in-Chief October 7, 2011

The stage setup was unremarkable: a couple of standing microphones, a bottle of water and a mug sitting on a small table, a plain metal music stand. There was nothing, really, to catch the eye. And when...

Graffiti written on the side of the Mudd Center suggests that the execution of Troy Davis last week speaks to the endemic, institutional nature of violence and injustice in the U.S. prison system.

Oberlin Remembers Troy Davis

Emma Eisenberg October 7, 2011

“Why wasn’t I on top of this?” “I felt so small last night.” “My heart is beating so fast.” “We can spray-paint a thousand walls…paint can be washed off.” “It makes me think, what’s...

HB-194 Threatens Ohio Voting Process

Robin Wasserman October 7, 2011

A coalition of voting rights groups showed up at the Ohio Attorney General’s office on Sept. 29 to deliver a hard-won gift: over 300,000 signatures in opposition to House Bill 194, enough to delay its...

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