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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Off the Cuff with Eddie Miller

Allegra Kirkland, News Editor November 11, 2011

Did you do any farming-related activities when you were younger or did you not get into it until college? I worked at George Jones in high school. It was going abroad and seeing a rainforest [in Costa...

Security Report: Oct. 12 – 26, 2011

Staff November 4, 2011

Thursday, Oct. 13 9:59 p.m. Officers administered first aid to a student in Langston Hall who cut his thumb. No additional medical treatment was required at the time. 11:18 p.m. Officers were requested...

New Travel Warning Restricts Student’s Study Abroad Options

Emma Eisenberg, Staff Writer November 4, 2011

The Winter Term trip to Mexico has a 30-year tradition in the Hispanic Studies department. This year, however, the trip is still being vetted by the Office of Study Away, thanks to a new policy restricting...

Student Organization of the Week: Outings Club

Kate Melanson, Staff Writer November 4, 2011

While many students spent fall break relaxing at home or catching up on work in their dorm rooms, four groups of Obies joined the Oberlin College Outings Club on its annual fall break trips to get...

Off the Cuff with Diane Nilan, Homeless Rights Advocate

Rosemary Boeglin, News Editor November 4, 2011

Can you tell me a little bit about the work that you do and how you were inspired to do it? Now I’m making documentary films. I also do presentations, write and do photography, so I try to combine...

Last spring, Oberlin students and community members gathered in Tappan Square to protest SB-5, a bill that would limit the ability of unions to negotiate for pensions and health insurance and ban public employees from striking.

State Issue 2 faces final vote as Issues 1, 3 put to voters

Robin Wasserman, Staff Writer November 4, 2011

Arising in the middle of the recent heated and often harsh bipartisan debate about class, the role of government and how to move forward in tough economic times, Ohio’s decision this Tuesday, Nov. 8...

Director of Allen Memorial Art Museum Moves to Cornell

Nancy Roane, Staff Writer November 4, 2011

After seven years as John G.W. Cowles director of the Allen Memorial Art Museum, Stephanie Wiles will leave Nov. 7 to become director of the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University. The...

LGBTQ Website Promotes Awareness, Answers Questions

Nancy Roane, Staff Writer October 14, 2011

The founders of the website visited Oberlin this week to speak on making change in the LGBTQ rights movement. The Oberlin Queer Wellness Coalition, a new group on campus formed to...

Oberlin Bids Farewell to Dean Gates

Sarah Washington, Staff Writer October 14, 2011

On Tuesday, students, faculty and community members came together to bid farewell to current Dean of Students Linda Gates. As people lined up one by one in the Root Room of Carnegie to wish her luck...

Oberlin Students Seek Role in Occupy Movement

Alex Howard, Staff Writer October 14, 2011

Almost one month after the Occupy Wall Street protest began in New York City, roughly 350 cities across the nation from the Northeast to the West Coast to the South have been occupied by protesters seeking...

Security Report: Oct. 6- Oct. 12, 2011

Staff October 14, 2011

Thursday, Oct. 6 12:10 a.m. A student reported that the passenger window of her vehicle was broken while it was parked in Hales parking lot, and a backpack was taken. The Oberlin Police Department...

Oberlin students stood among Ohio residents in support of the Occupy Cleveland movement, an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy Cleveland Inspires Despite Small Crowd

Sam Jewler, OC ’10 October 14, 2011

Some 150 people, including at least a dozen Oberlin students, gathered in downtown Cleveland’s Willard Park last Saturday to hold one of Occupy Cleveland’s first general assemblies since the group's...

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